“Nothing happened.” Liam looked down. It was difficult for him to lie to Warren.

            “Do you, possibly, remember anything?”  Warren sounded anxious and careful.

            “I… I…” Liam found it hard to lie to Warren at all. He didn’t know what to say to appease Warren at all. Liam closed his eyes. “Five years ago… I went to that same old house… I was with someone I trusted… that person… stabbed me…” Liam’s eyes were watering.

            Warren pulled him and embraced him. Warren was crying. Liam could feel Warren’s heart pounding, beating fast and hard. “Sorry. Sorry for asking. You don’t have to remember anything. You don’t have to say anymore. I’ll protect you. I’ll protect you…” Although those memories hurt him, Liam understood that it hurt Warren even more. Warren stood up. He probably didn’t want Liam to see him that sad. Liam wanted to say that he remembered everything, but he couldn’t not until he finishes all his quests.

            Liam went outside to walk by the beach, to think. There’s a lot that had been going on recently. He wanted everything to end, for things to come back to normal. “What are you doing?” Liam heard Freya asked him from behind, her tone was playful.

            Liam looked back and then smiled at her. “Ohhh…” He adored as he saw Freya wearing a two piece swim wear. “Very sexy…” Liam said teasingly and then chuckled.

            Freya walked closer to him. “So, why do you look sad?” Freya asked.

            “It seems that I always make my cousins worry about me. I feel sad about my past, but it seems that it pains them even more.” Liam said sadly. “I hate worrying them. You know, all my life they’ve taken care of me, I just want to make sure that they are happy.”

            “I’m sure they already are. Every time they are with you, every time they would see you happy, I’m sure they are happy as well.” Freya smiled at him. “It’s not like you to be this gloomy. Did something happen? Is it about last night?” Freya was careful in asking.

            “Not at all. I put that behind me already.” Liam smiled. “I learned something recently; you can never change the past and you should never escape it, because you would need it to open up a better future.” Liam laughed. “I sound like an old man.”

            Freya laughed with him. “Ahh… Do you want to swim with me?” Freya asked.

            Liam looked at her and the smiled. “Sure.” He said before he started taking off his shirt. He didn’t notice Freya staring at him, at his body at all. “Come on.” He said playfully, tugging Freya by the hand.

            They swam together, splashed water to each other, they were having much fun. “You’re good at swimming.” Freya complemented as she lost in a race with him.

            Liam only smiled modestly. “Ahh! Let’s make a sand castle.” Liam sounded so innocent. He went back to the shore. “Hurry up!” He called Freya.

            “Hey, isn’t this a little too childish?” Freya said as she sat on the sand and started helping Liam. She was smiling happily.

            “Why? I don’t mind, its fun either way.” Liam smiled. Freya was looking at him, she blushed as she saw Liam’s childish smile. Liam noticed some men walking by and staring at Freya. “Ohhh… It seems that you are popular.” He said discreetly to Freya. “All the men are watching you.”

Blue Knight of HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora