Gracelynn Redfox.

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Name: Gracelynn Metallicana Redfox

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Name: Gracelynn Metallicana Redfox.

age: 18

Race: Human, Mage

Magic type: Iron Dragon Slayer.

Guild Mark: Just underneath her stomach on the right side. ( In the pic Below)

Clothes: (in the pic below)

Clothes: (in the pic below)

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Metallicana (Father, Missing)

Gajeel Redfox (Brother, Alive)

Best Friends: Cana and Pantherlilly

Close Friends: Everyone in Fairy Tail.

Special Powers: 

-The ability to know everything about any world they set foot in (Well all the usefull stuff the power deems Gracelynn needs to know to survive.)

Special Item she always keeps on her:

-Gale Force Reading glasses

-Several spell books and a communication Lacrima. 


She was inseparable from Gajeel, yet she played no part in fairy tail's destruction, When she joined fairy tail she was welcomed with open arms and worked hard, helping her brother fit in. Lilly took an instant liking to her when they got back from Edolad, the three eventually forming a team with Cana and living happily. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2017 ⏰

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