“Jealous?” he asked “Jealous of what?”

“Amy” I shook my head sending her warning glares “Don't.”

“But it's true” she retorted, a playful smile on her lips “I know it and he knows it. You're the only one who refuses to believe it”

“Jealous of what, whore!?” he asked, annoyed now

“Jealous of her” I smiled quickly tapping his shoulder before running up the stairs.

He quickly grabbed onto my wrist ending my escape “Don't lie to me.” he turned his gaze back on Amy “Jealous of what?”

“Don't play stupid Matthew” she did not just call him Matthew.

No one calls him Matthew except for my parents. Any one else is looking for a death wish.

“We all know you're jealous of Blake because he's finally got the girl, you've been to stupid to realize you like”

He didn't say anything. He let go of my wrist and stormed out of the house.

“Amy what have you done!?”

“Nothing” she stated “Let him have his tantrum, now come on and let's get you ready. The dress stores aren't going to wait for us”


After saying goodbye to my parents in the kitchen we headed out. I was wearing blue skinny jeans, white converse and my white Beatles shirt.

We walked over to Amy's car when a cough caused us to turn around.

My eyes widen in surprise “M-Matt, what are you doing with that?” he was holding my dad's power hose. It wasn't no ordinary hose, that thing was a monster. We don't use it any more because it's that deadly. It can send someone flying. I know, I've been there.

He grinned “Where are you guys going?”

“Uhm-” I looked over at Amy. Her arms were crossed over chest. She looked unfazed but I knew she was scared as well. She was there when my brothers hosed me. “We are looking for dresses”

“Why?” he asked

“For the spring dance, Matt”

“Right...” he nodded. The hose still pointed at us “I might wear a red or blue tie so-”

“No one gives a shit about what you're wearing” he turned the hose at her

“Amy” I smacked her arm lightly. Didn't she realize the kind of trouble we're in?

My Bestfriend is a JerkWhere stories live. Discover now