First Day Of Kindergarten

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(Anon Storytime)

Once upon a time back when I was a little stump of a tree

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Once upon a time back when I was a little stump of a tree. I was bad asf, well most of you should now that. It was the night before my first day of kindergarten I was so excited I couldn't stop talking about. Back then I shared a room with my big brother King it was going to be his first day of second grade, we stayed up all night excited for what reason? Idk.

We had our outfits all set up so in the morning all we had to do was brush our teeth, shower, get dressed. And FYI my dad had died and cut my hair for school, King was ofc bald like he is now.

Now let me tell you, one thing did kill my good/lit vibe that morning. You want to know what crushed my 5 year old dreams that morning? My mom was supposed to fix me my favorite cereal Lucky Charms but we ran out and all we had was Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Trix. I asked my mom "Mommy can you fix me some pancakes then?" She answered back "We're out of pancake batter."

I threw a temper tantrum I felt like my life was just ruined. First, no cereal, then it was no pancakes.

Then big headed King took all the fruit snacks and left me none. I was legit in the worst mood at this point. My dad was already at work and my mom was busy, so my Nana had to take us to school. It got even worse we got in the car and the radio was playing something by  Taylor Swift. I had rather listen to something like Lil Wayne or Chris Brown but noo it got worse she turned on some sappy Kidz Bop.

When we got to the school Nana handed us our lunch and and kissed our foreheads and we were on our way. When we stepped in the building the first thing said to us was "Oh no that's King Frazier, I hope that little boy is not related to him...". So at that moment I already had bad ass written on my forehead.

Me and King then went our separate ways... I took my sweet time and walked down to my classroom room 305. Mr. Omyer was my teacher... let's just say this man was a complete idiot.

This is Mr. Omyer


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