Part 2

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I woke suddenly to the sound of construction. I laid on my bed, nearly paralyzed with fear. I glanced over at Thor's cage. He was gone. 

I jumped out of bed and walked into Dan's room. He wasn't there. Maybe he was in the lounge? Nope. What happened? I sat down on the sofa and  everything went quiet.

I didn't understand what was happening. I was alone and afraid. Why was I here? Suddenly, I heard someone at the door, attempting to unlock the door. I ran into my bedroom and locked the door. 

"Phil, I'm back!" 

The voice sounded familiar.



 I opened the door. Could it really be him? As I saw him walk up the second flight of stairs I stood there in amazement. He was alive. He was okay.

"You alright Phil?" 

I stood there in shock for a moment and then ran into his arms. I picked him up and swung him around.

 "I've missed you." 

Dan looked at me and smiled. "Phil, I was only gone for an hour."

 "I'm just glad you're safe." Dan chucked and pulled a small box out of his backpack. 

"Phil, you'll never guess what I found. As I was approaching our flat, I found your hamster running about. Cheeky bastard. Wonder how he got out." My eyes widened as I stepped back in fear. Dan opened the box revealing Thor.

As he reached over to hand me the box, I screamed. 

"Dan, put that thing down! He's infected!" 

"Woah, slow down. What do you mean?" 

I caught my breath. "I don't know, but he's gonna- he's gonna kill you." 

Dan stood there for a moment and then started to laugh. "What? How would that even happen?" 

He laughed some more at my remark. "He's fine. Just go put him back."

I was confused, I didn't understand what was happening. Was everything before this just a dream?  I took the box and slowly walked to my room. I set the box down carefully in the cage. As I began to close the door, I heard a loud yell from the kitchen. 

"Phil, what the fuck?"

 "What happened? Are you alright?"

 "No! I saw that you finished off my cereal while I was gone!"

 I stood there with a blank expression on my face. "Really? That's it? I thought that you might be hurt and THIS is all that's happening?"

 Dan chuckled. "Why would I be hurt? I'm fine." 

Dan stood there for a moment. We made direct eye contact. 

He pulled me in for a hug. "Thank you for caring." "What?" Dan pushed me back with both hands on my arms and looked me dead in the eye. "It means a lot to know that you care." He pulled me back in for the hug. "Thank you, Phil." 

I smiled. I couldn't remember the last time Dan hugged me like this. I was a little confused on what was happening though as this was unexpected.

We walked into the lounge, got out our laptops, and scrolled through our tumblr feed. Everything seemed so familiar.

 Before I knew it, I came across the same picture of a small, brown hamster as before and pointed it out to Dan.

 "Wow, what a cutie." He said sarcastically. 

I stared at him blankly for a moment and then it hit me. It HAD to have been a dream. You know, one of those dreams where it tells you what's going to happen in the near future? That. I had a chance to save Dan, tell him how I felt. I thought that if I confessed my love to him then and there, maybe things would work out.

 I stared at him in the eyes, and kissed him. No context, I just couldn't help myself. It was beautiful, passionate, and alive. Dan looked at me and smiled. 

We kissed once more and I backed away a little. We just sat there and stared at each other minute after minute. Time stopped. I was so intrigued, so lost in his eyes.

 I blinked once. He bit his lip. 

I blinked twice. He looked slightly down and chuckled. 

I blinked a third time. There he sat, my hamster aggressively tearing apart his shoulder. 

I blinked a forth time and everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2017 ⏰

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