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Jess POV
This was the day that we where going to move to America.I really didn't want to but my parents forces me, because they got a job there.
They didn't even thought of how I will fell, I mean, new house new school new friends. Everything I had here in Australia was going to be gone.
" come on Jess, we are just waiting for you, the plain will leave in 3 hours"  my dad yelled from downstairs.
" I'm coming dad, I just can't get all of my thing down on my own you know" I yelled in return, after a minute or two my dad was in my room helping me with the bags.
On the way to the airport my eyes started to tear up. I don't want to leave. I was scared of what was waiting on the other side of the world.
When we arrived at the airport we checked in really fast and had a long time to spare. " okay kids, now listen " my mom says as she is sitting down next to us.
" you are going to go to have a free day when we arrive in LA and you can do what ever you want to make yourself comfortable in the new place." My mom continued
" when are we going to school ?" I ask,
" In a week, just so that you can settle in first." My dad answered.
" then why do we only have 1 day off ? " my sister Sara mauled at my parents " because we need to get our house decorated and buy all the things that we need honey " my mom said in a posh voice, " but..." My sister tried to talk " nothing but" my dad said before she could finish her sentence.
The flight was really relaxing I slept most of it.
When we arrived at our new home 15 hours later it was time to get going.
We had to unpack and but all the things up that we already had bought.
" I'm going to Target, who is coming with ? " my mom asked.
" I am " my sister a I said at the same time, " okay than, lets keep going.
My sis and I always had a lot of fun in the supermarket, we laughed at things and played catch. Just as we walk in my sister taps me on the shoulder and said " it's your turn " and then runs of, and right after I ran after her, trying to catch her, I not really fast so I don't usually Winn, but after chasing her for 5 minutes I finally got her. " it's you now " I scream as I tough her and turn around.
As I was running I past this really cute boy, and I was so distracted by him that I just stopped running. I didn't notice anything that was going on around me, I just stopped and stared at him.
" hello, earth to Jess !" My sister said and swinger her hand in front of my face until I realized what was going on.
" yeah what ? " I said hoping that she didn't notice that I was looking at the boy,
" you where totally staring at him " my sister says surprised and points at him.
He was wearing the target uniform so he must work here, just as my sister points at him he turns to us. He stated walking towards us and asked " can I help you ? " " you look lost " he continues after a few seconds, " em... I don't think so, we just moved here so we just need some orientation" I was quite,
The boy laughs and says " that's why I'm here, to help people find things".
I didn't say anything I just
looked at my sister and left.
Sarah POV ( Jess's sister)
I look after Jess, and just as I want to start walking he says " what's wrong with her ? "
I look at him with a mean look and say " well she is Australian, she is used to people being Nice and respectful" I say and start walking, " well is there anyway I can apologize to her ? Because if you moved here, then I guess we will see each other more often " I hear him say behind me,
I turn around and say " well try next time, I don't think that she will talk to you now"
Then I turn and walk to Jess.
" what was that all about?" Jess asked me as I walked to her, " what ? " I say confused,
" you just talked to him for so long, he was so rude" Jess says angry, after a pause I turn to her and say " well he just wanted to apologize".
Jess POV
We walk out of  target and this hole time I hope to see him again so that I can talk to him normally but he is just no where to be found.
We arrive home and the fist thing I do is grab my phone to call my BFFLB, but than I remember that she is sleeping already. All I can thing about is him. He is just so gorgeous. I lay down on my bed and shortly after I am fast asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2017 ⏰

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