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Song: "You & Me" by Marc E. Bassy


I slid out of my comfortable bed, but a hand pulled me back in.

"Harry. I need to get ready for work," I groan.

"I don't care. Stay home with me," he sleepily whines.

He presses his lips onto mine, and I smile.

I wrap my arms around his warm neck, and start kissing his collarbone.

"I need to go to work, Harry," I whisper. "I'm awfully sorry."

"Can't you just stay home and lay here with me?"

I sigh.

"I wish."

I roll out of bed, and walk over to my closet for some clothes.

"I think you look fine with what you're wearing," he says, walking over to me. "And really pretty, too."

I look down at my old t-shirt and sweatpants.

"Not good enough for work, though," I mumble, letting Harry wrap his arms around my waist.

I still can't get used to his kindness.

Who knew that less than 4 months ago I had been kidnapped by him?

I highly doubt anyone would believe that I decided to run away from my home to stay by his side.

Did I miss my family?

Of course I did. There was never a moment in my day that I didn't wonder how they were and what they were doing.

But, to be honest, I loved my new life with Harry.

"Babe? Are you okay?" Harry asks, his eyes filled with concern.

"Oh, yes. I got a bit lost in my train of thoughts," I respond, giving him a kiss.

In my whole life, I had never tasted anything sweeter than Harry's plump, delicious kiss.

I allowed his tongue to roam my mouth, and I smiled.

❣ ❣ ❣ ❣


"Are you guys in, or out?" I growl, taking a sip from my beer.

"Well, I don't think kidnapping her would make her love you," Louis whispers, trying to speak at a low volume so I can't hear him.

"What's that, lad?" I bark.

"Kidnapping her won't make a difference," he explains. "It won't make your life any better, either. I mean- it's already bad as it is."

I laugh bitterly, and roll my eyes.

"Oh Louis, remember when you had a life and stopped making b****y comments about mine?" I snarl.

"Well, I think he is making a great point," Liam speaks up.

"Mhm," Louis huffs, taking a bite out of the pizza.

"You guys are my best friends!" I exclaim. "You guys need to help me out on this!"

They all look at each other.

"Please!" I beg. "I just want revenge!"

"I already gave you my answer," Louis growls, getting up from the couch.

"Imagine Lottie tied up to a chair, or Daisy and Phoebe locked up in the basement," I whisper, a smirk appearing on my lips.

Louis stops dead in his tracks.

"Or think about Felicité...what's her childish nickname?" I say, tapping my chin. "Oh! Imagine Fizzy all chained up on my bed."

Louis stiffened.

I knew his biggest weakness: his family.

"So what do you say?" I say with a smirk. "Are you in or out?"

❣ ❣ ❣ ❣


Parisian life was indeed amazing, but very expensive.

That's why I had to find a job at a local bakery/café.

The owner was an English woman of the name Felicity, whom worked alongside her Spanish husband, Benito.

They were in their early 50's and had chased their dreams and opened their own small shop.

They were truly one of the kindest people I had met so far.

I rushed into the café, and people stared at me.

Felicity waved from her position at the register.

"Mira quien decidió llegar a trabajar?" Benito says in Spanish.

("Look who decided to come to work?")

I was slowly understanding Spanish, but he spoke a little too fast for my liking.

I laughed.

"What did you say?" I ask.

He shakes his head.

"Nothing. Felicity did tell me to ask you to start off at the counter today," he says.

"The counter?!" I exclaim. "I truly love serving people."

I rushed over, immediately missing Harry.

But overall, life was great.

Little did I know that would change very soon.

✍ ✍ ✍ ✍

Woo! Second chapter out!

I'm truly sorry for the short length of this chapter, but I promise the next ones will be longer.

If you thought this was pretty exciting, buckle up your seatbelts, and her ready for the action-packed chapters that will follow!

See you next time!


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2017 ⏰

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