A New Beginning

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"Hi, I'm Callie Green. I'm a senior. I'm here to show you around and if you have any questions don't desitate to ask!" My heart stopped. Those were the words I have been waiting for since I could speak (basically) and I planned what my response was gonna be for countless hours...and all I could say was "h-hi." Callie took me and my parents to my dorm so that I could meet the house mom and get settled in. I have never been one to get butterflies and be nervous but I was. What if I say the wrong thing, what if she hates me, what if my roommates hate me...what if.

"Hey!" An incredibly upbeat, enthusiastic woman walks towards me with wide open arms and wraps them around me like a relative at a family reunion, you know those '2nd cousin twice removed' people' whos name you're expected to remember but you haven't seen them in maybe 5 years and barely recognize them. She looks about 38 with dark blonde hair and blue eyes. She isn't what I pictured a HD to look like or act like for that matter, I always imagined a boring old woman who is constantly wishing she had done something "amazing" with her life, but from where I stand this woman is happy and wouldn't trade this for anything.

" Welcome, I'm Rachel your house director, you must be Jennifer. Your room is right over their" She says as she points to the one right behind me. " Thank you!" I reply, my face wearing the biggest smile I've ever worn because this truly was one of the greatest days of my life. "If you need any help settling in I'm right downstairs... and of course, you have Callie."

It took maybe a million hours to unpack and organize...or it felt like that because my mother is a control freak. After she finally left ,after embarrasing me in front of my 3  roommates: Erin, Karen and Sarah, Callie and the security guy (who had to come into my room because we broke the bed....long story), I sat on my bed...scared, excited, happy and glad to finally be on my own...sort of (little did I know that hell was about to come raining down on my parade in the years to come...) I wanted to write in my journal or tell my best friend from home or something but I don't write (or have a journal) and I didn't have any friends from my old school. Which is part of the reason I wanted to be here...I needed a new start where no one knew me, where I could be anyone or anything and someone, on this campus full of teenage girls, someone had to like me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2014 ⏰

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