The Devil and Tom Walker

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   Hello everyone! Just a quick explanation of this little short story! I wrote this in my English 11 class (which I got a 100 on it!) This came from the story The Devil and Tom Walker by Washington Irving. Now personally, I didn't really like it because it isn't my preferred style of reading, but oh well. What can you do when you are basically forced to read books in English class that you don't like... Anyway, Satan in this story is based off of Crowely from the television series Supernatural. I honestly love Crowely in the show and I was like, 'Hey, Crowely is great playing as the King of Hell in the show... Why not base my devil off of him?' And that is where the writing started. I hope you enjoy this little short story and I hope you have had a wonderful Christmas and New Year!


      Tom Walker and his wife, Lilly Walker, lived in a small, run-down apartment in downtown New York, New York. Tom and Lilly were very well known for being miserly. They were extremely selfish to the point to where they would steal from each other. As one could tell, their marriage wasn't ideal. No trust was to be found in the marriage. If one were to have something expensive, the other would try and take it from them.

      The area where these two lived in was known to be rough. The homeless living in boxes, beggars constantly asking for money or a little crumb, and of course, criminals like murders and robbers. When Tom and Lilly argued on the streets, people would part to give them room. Sometimes, in the heat of their argument, Lilly would slap Tom. To the outside world, this was extremely shocking, but inside the Walker household, it was a part of their daily routine.

      One day, Tom was coming home from the bank with his wife's money and he decided to take a short cut home. He went through a maze of dark alleys; Graffiti all over the walls, rats running from one trash pile to another, and dense fog. The few working lights illuminated the path. Tom came to a division in the path. Looking to his right, it was filled with working lightbulbs and somewhat cleaned. Looking to his left however, it was the complete opposite. With a shrug of his shoulders, he turned down the dark alleyway. As he walked down the alleyway, he suddenly heard another pair of footsteps. When Tom looked behind himself and saw no one there. "Huh." He said to himself as he continued to walk a little faster. The other pair of footsteps starting again, but faster. Tom quickly looked behind him and again, saw no one there. "Show yourself!" Tom shouted amongst the emptiness. He looked around from where he stood and couldn't see any shadows of a person. He grunted and continued walking.

      Tom took a turn and came to a solid break wall. A dead end. Tom looked for a way around the wall, but there wasn't a way, but to turn around and go back. "Hello, darling." A British accent sounded. Tom looked behind him. A man stood in a fully black business suit. What caught Tom's eyes was the solid black eyes on the man then they turned into a soft blue. "What are you doing following me you weirdo?" Tom questioned rudely. The mystery man chuckled. "Well, you seemed to have turned the wrong direction home, laddie. Turn right next time eh?" The man said, with a slight chuckle to his voice. "I know where I'm going!" Tom shouted. "No need to shout, Mr. Walker. I'm standing about 2 feet away from you." The man said with a grin. "And how do you know my name?" Tom asked. "I know my sinners well, Tom." The man said. "Sinners?! Well then... You must be Lucifer himself!" Tom said. "Well you need prize for figuring out the puzzle! How much money do you wish you could have? Million? Billion? Trillion? Sell me your soul and it will be given to you!" Lucifer said. "Ye- Wait? Sell my soul? Are you kidding me? NO!" Tom yelled. "Ah. I see. You would rather have your filthy thing called a wife instead of having the money and divorcing her and getting an even better wife... I can add that to your deal, you know?" Lucifer said. Tom looked down and thought about it. Having trillions of dollars and having ladies waiting at his feet? Sounded too good to be true. Tom looked at Lucifer and smirked. "I'll thing about it." Tom said. Lucifer smirked. "Good. Once you have made your decision, you know where to find me. Tom nodded and walked past him. He turned around and saw Lucifer had disappeared. He shrugged and continued on his journey home.

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