Chapter 2 - Blood Status

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Before he could even have packed away his books, quills and such away into his bag, the Ravenclaw girl had disappeared in a swishing movement of her cloak. Running out of the classroom door and into the hallway he expected to find her but she had vanished amongst the sea of black clad students. Sighing with disappointment Newt hoisted up his belongings and ran briskly towards the great hall for lunch. He was shortly joined by Leta, whom he didn't even see arrive.

"I have something to tell you." He whispered excitedly to her despite him being preoccupied with scoping out the Ravenclaw table.

"Okay. Accio sandwiches." The girl hissed and aimed her wand at the Slytherin table, soon a silver platter of food came floating their way.

"Where'd you learn that? We don't learn about summoning charms until fourth year." Newt asked as he stared at his best friend in shock, his blue eyes searching for an answer.

"Never mind what I've learnt, don't you have something to tell me?" She said and dragged him out of the great hall towards an empty classroom.

"Oh, yes, right." He stammered, but his eyes fell to the floor as they passed a group of snickering Hufflepuffs.

She held onto him tightly and brought him to an empty classroom. It saddened her to see his spirits fall in such a quick time. He seemed so excited about telling her something and in a matter of seconds, fingers pointed at him caused him to lose his excitement. She'd have to hex those kids later, without Newt knowing of course.

"Eat up, I didn't learn that spell for nothing." Leta's melodic tones sung brightly, as she pushed the platter towards him.

"Oh, yeah, thanks Leta." He smiled just as brightly, with that goofy smile of his, as he quickly ate his sandwiches.

"Now what did you want to tell me?" Leta grinned and sat herself upon a desk.

He took his time to answer her. He had finished his sandwich, and then it seemed for a minute he was trying to collect his thoughts. Finally he breathed out heavily, and when he looked back up at her, his eyes were shining with adoration and excitement.

"I... I don't mind it being just the two of us, but... I think I've found another one of us. An outsider, and maybe.... Maybe she could, I don't know, become our friend or something..." He looked up at Leta, unsure of the strength in his statement.

"Who is she?" She asked abruptly, emphasising her last word.

"Her name is Octavia, she's in Ravenclaw, but she use to be a fourth year." He began.

"Oh, I know her," she sneered. "Do you know why she's a third year now?" She asked.

"No, she didn't tell me."

"Well I know. It's because her grades fell. I heard she drags other people down with her, like she's like some unlucky charm. I've even heard someone say she's not even that smart to be in Ravenclaw." Leta hissed, her words laced with mild annoyance.

"But, you should've seen her Leta. She's like me, she loves magical creatures. I've never met someone like her." His eyes sparkled.

"Better be careful Scarmander, someone might think you're in love." She rolled her words.

"I'm not! Anyway, it sounds like you have something against her and you've never even met her." Newt huffed and stood up from his seat.

"Well," she began to drag her words then, "I don't trust mud-bloods."

"Leta!" Newt gasped. "You can't just judge her by her blood status. If you judge people, well, we'd never have become friends."

"I'm sorry Newt." She looked down abashed, "it just slipped out. I've been in the Slytherin common room for too long. They're beginning to rub off on me. I might- I might..." Leta had burst into tears, and any of Newt's apprehensions vanished.

"No Leta, I shouldn't have gotten angry. Leta, Leta, can I come closer?" His voice wobbled, and through her tears she nodded.

Newt slowly stepped forwards and wrapped his arms around Leta Lestrange. He knew she had it tough at home, and that the other girls in her house did some horrible things to her. It wasn't the first time that she had broken down, or had said something or done something horrible. It was almost as though another person was trying to take over, and that slowly she was bending, changing to that awful will.

"Ten points to Ravenclaw!" The professor laughed, "Ms Smith's homework was simply superb, full marks!"

Newt looked quickly to his own homework, they had achieved the same mark, so why was she the only one who was awarded house points. Maybe Leta was speaking some truth, maybe she was a bad luck charm.

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