Dear April

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CM Punk

I smiled as I held April's hand.

We had a date tomorrow together.

We were going to this fancy place tomorrow, tonight we were going to eat with a few friends.

I loved how shy April was, It was adorable.

Her cheeks would get all red, she'd look down with her brown eyes and she would mumble her words.

It was adorable.

It's funny how I fall more and more in love with her everyday.

She's so nice, adorable, shy, amazing, caring, loving, protective, nerdy, fun and beautiful.

"Hey Phil?" Her shy voice snapped me out of my thoughts, "Yeah?"

"Are you alright?" She frowned.

"Yeah I was just thinking." About you.

"Oh alright. Well we need to get ready to go out to eat, we haven't showered or changed." She exclaimed, shrugging.

"Okay." I smiled, "you shower first."


We walked to the restaurant together, holding hands.

April was wearing blue skinny jeans, a pikachu tank top and her glasses.

I wore my black jeans, a Thor shirt and my bracelet she gave me when we first met.

We sat down at the table and I smiled at her.

She looked down and blushed.

I kissed her cheek, "it's okay."

She blushed more and nodded.


Dear April,

You were adorable tonight. I loved your tank top.
Pokémon is awesome.
You were so beautiful.
I can't wait for our date tomorrow,

Love always,


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