First Time Meeting a Transformer

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Hint: bold/italics is the thoughts and italics is them speaking.

I was currently hiding from my father, Harry, in my shed hidden deep in the woods. He was angry because I didn't come home until 7:30 pm and when he's angry he's sort of... abusive. Ever since my mom left us, he's had a habit of getting drunk and blaming things on me. He's also tried to kill me many times but failed to succeed since I'm still here.

I checked my phone and noticed it was going at 8:00 when I suddenly heard an engine coming this way.

'Oh no, did he find me?' I thought getting worried as the engine became louder.

The idea of abandoning my shed where I keep all the weapons I've saved or built tore my heart into pieces. When the engine cut off right outside, I realized that I was holding my breath and filled my lungs back up with oxygen. When I didn't hear a door open or close, I slowly got up from my hiding spot behind a table scattered with junk and slowly made my way to the door. I peeked through a small gap in the door and spotted a sleek, black GMC Topkick sitting there.

'That's not my father's.' I carefully opened the door and stuck my head out, scanning the area for anyone that might have brought it here.

I looked back at the truck confused and made my way over to it with my curiosity getting the best of me.

"Who brought you here?" I mumbled to myself as I gently trailed my fingers along the side trying not to ruin the paint job. I looked around once more and confirmed that no one was around before I hopped into the driver's seat.

Since I was only nine, I couldn't reach the pedals and I was too small to see the ground unless I leaned up and stretched my neck a bit.

I chuckled to myself thinking that I must look like a giraffe when I do that and opened the door back up. As I jumped out, I felt the ground squish beneath my feet and grimaced when I saw my brand new shoes covered in a blue substance. I moved to the front of the truck, trying not to slip on the liquid beneath me, and crawled onto my hands and knees to see where the liquid came from.

Quickly, I scanned underneath it before locating the problem. There was a huge gash near the front right tire causing it to leak. I went back inside my shed to get the tools I would need to repair it and started humming, forgetting all about my father.

'What was that blue stuff?' I asked myself, knowing that normal cars leak oil instead of... that stuff.

As I finished gathering up the materials I would need, I heard metal shifting from where the truck sat. When I rushed back out with my tools in hand, I saw a giant black robot sitting where the truck was and gasped. The robot just glared at me, taking his cannons out and pointing them at me as I dropped my tools. I then smiled realizing what was in front of me.

'I just found a freaking transformer!'

Hey guys, so I know I didn't put her name in this chapter (yes it's a girl) but I will next chapter with introductions, somewhat. Anyways I've had this idea in my head for literally ever so I decided to finally write it down. Sorry it's short but tell me what you guys think and the pic above is what her shed looks like.

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