The Poetry of A Broken Soul

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A beating heart,

A silent night,

A hated day,

The dark knight.

The increase of emotion,

The purest of pain,

A crying girl,

Unnoticed for it rains,

The silent moments,

For the thoughts fill the void,

And silient glances,

To see his face again.

The pain of her heart,

So easily been broken,

Is now just a shattered beat,

Lying around in the open.

He looks to her,

Staight in the eyes,

His heart beat racing,

Inquiring to appologize,

The knight,

So terribly high in strength,

Is too scared to tell this girl,

He sorry for this unfortunate fate,

So there they stand,

With their hearts still beating,

Unknowingly wishing,

That they would just be talking.

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