«Soulmates?- Sebastian»

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Title: Soulmates?

Relationship: Soulmates

Summary: Found their soulmate.

18 years old

I woke up to another day. Well today on January 31 is my 18th birthday. The day I'm suppose to get the tattoo. Well it just basically burns on your skin. That's the only bad part about it. It hurts like hell getting it. Well that's what they all say. I remember my parents tattoos. They both have the same one. They're mountains and a barn. My mother born in the mountains and my father raised on a farm.

I got up. I remember my brother's tattoo. It's a soccer ball. Just a soccer ball. It's mainly because my brother and his soulmate are big soccer stars. They play for the USA team.

I changed into some clothes and walked to the bathroom. I did my thing. I walked out of the bathroom. I walked to the kitchen. My mother making breakfast. I remember how I read that story about how someone lost their soulmate before they could meet. Their tattoo had burned off. And I remember how people talk about how your soulmate dies before you get the tattoo then you don't get one. It's pretty sad to me.

I've always been fascinated in how the stars work. You're picked when you're born a soulmate.

I walked to the table. I sat down. I started to itch my right wrist since it's like really itchy all of a sudden. Then a burning feeling came. My eyes widen. My tattoo. A pattern was able to be seen.

It was a snowflakes covering a star. A red one to be correct. Ok usually they're black and white. Why do I have a red star?


29 years old

I sighed as I was about to clock out until Hannah called saying she can't come in cause she's sick. So I have to do the double shift. But soon Morgan is going to come in take her shift. Which is in an hour. I looked around wondering. I heard the bell ring. I looked up from my book. And there he stands.

Sebastian Stan. With his friends.

My eyes widen. I hear Jason talk about some boy he met. He was talking about him. But he stopped when he saw my face.

"Kristina what's the matter?"
"S-Sebastian S-Stan is here." I stuttered out. He looked over to them. He smiled. He looked at me. My eyes widen when I realized he had a plan.

"Go serve them."
"N-No! He's my celebrity crush." I whispered to him so Sebastian doesn't hear. Jason just rolled his eyes at me. He took my book out of my hand.

"Hey give it back!" I yelled at him. Since he was taller than me I couldn't reach it.

"Not until they get served by you and they leave happy about the meal they ate." He tell me. I just huffed and crossed my arms.

"Fine." I put the sleeves of my sweatshirt down. I walked up to them.

"Hi my name is Kristina and I'll be your server today." They boys look at me. And it's Sebastian, Chris, Robert, and some other dude.

"Ok so do y'all know what drinks you want?" I asked them. They nod they're head. I noticed how they all covered they're soul mates tattoo. Every celebrity did unless they forgot to or the concealer somehow washed off. They told me their drinks.

"Ok I'll be back with them." I smiled and walked away. I walked to the drinks station and got the drinks. I walked back over to them and put the drinks in front of them. But when my arm got close to Sebastian it tarted to itch. I pulled away after I put the drink down and started to itch my arm. But with the damn sleeve in the way it didn't help so I just pulled the sleeve up and itched it.

"Well do y'all know what you want?"
"Yes ma'am." They all say besides Sebastian. He just looks at my tattoo.

"Ok what do you want?" They all say it and then it was Sebastian's turn. He blinked a little but still stared at my tattoo.

"Um sir do you know what you want?" I asked him. He snapped back to reality he looked at me. He smiled.

"Um uh yeah I do. I want the uh club sandwich?"
"Ok. Fries or salad?"
"Ok what kind of dressing?"
"Ok I'll be back with your food boys." I say with a smile and walk away. I was about to give up when Sebastian would just stare at my arm. I gave the chef the order. I look at Jason.

"Very. Hey you know Sebastian keeps checking you out?"
"He's not checking me out."
"Yeah let's say he's not under ssinf you with his eyeballs." He sarcastically tells me. I punch him in the arm.

"Besides have you met met your soulmate yet?"
"I was talking about him."
"Oh that's him."
"Yeah I'm moving in with him soon."
"Goody. Hey how did you feel when you got close to him before you found out it was him?"
"Well my tattoo started to itch first off. Then feelings gained. And when we just looked into each other's eyes we knew. But that's rare to happen to look into each other's eyes and just know."
"Uh nothing. Just wondering." I say as I look down to my tattoo. Then the chef called my name. I walked to the tray and I grab a stand I walk over to the boys and out the stand down and then out the tray there. I put everyone their dishes. I was about to walk away until someone spoke up.

"Um Kristina." I stopped and turned around with a smile.

"Uh do you want to join us?" Sebastian asked. All the guys looked at him weirdly. I looked down.

"Uh no thank you. I shouldn't."
"Please." He pleaded to me. I looked back at Jason. He gave me a thumbs up. I looked at them.

"Sure." I agreed. He made Chris shoo away. Chris got up and got a chair. I sat down next to Sebastian.

"I'm Sebastian. This is Chris, Robert, and Harrison."
"Nice to meet you all."
"So Sebastian what was that all about?" Chris asked. My arm started to get tingly when I put it down. I started to itch it. I noticed Sebastian doing the same.

"Well I. Uh. Ugh lets just get this done with." Sebastian said as he put the fork down. He pulled up his sleeve. There the tattoo lays. My eyes widen. I look up at him.

"U-Um." Was all I could say. The boys were confused since they haven't seen my tattoo. I slide my sleeve up to reveal the tattoo. They all had wide eyes. I looked into his eyes. He stared into mine as I stared into his.

"I finally have met you." I whispered. Then we lean in and just kiss. I smile as I feel the butterflies flutter in my stomach. We pull away. I hear the door open. I look at it. It's Morgan. She sees me. I raise my wrist up. She smiles at me. She's a great friend to me. She walks up to me.

"Have fun." She winks at me as she passes me. I blush. I look at Jason. He was smiling. I looked at Sebastian. His face redden.

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