We're leaving

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I didn't go to school the next day, or the day after that, or the day after that. It's the end of September and I'm already missing school then I wonder how I manage to fail all my classes - other than science. The only person I call a friends is Kristin and she doesn't  do much to help me out. When I ask for help on anything, she'd say, 'I'm busy with my own homework, when I finish up, I'll help you with yours.' Every single time. Clearly she didn't want to and it didn't take long for me to understand that she was a dry ass at excuses. Sure, I walk with her to classes from time to time and we talk, but my part in the conversation would be a nod of my head. Kristin like to talk about everyone, the people she liked, the people she hated, the people she didn't know the names of. I assure you, it's never anything nice. The pounding music begins to play in my ear and the thought of Kristin vanishes. Why should I think about her anyways, she probably talks about me too.

For hours, I lay, tangled in my bed sheets and the wire of my earphones. My head begins to throb, but I don't take them out, instead turn it up even louder. so loud my ears begin to throb. Im waiting. Waiting for what, exactly? I don't have the slightest clue. The sky turns dark, the clouds shifts and it begins to rain, lightening flashing every minute.

Getting up from the warmth of my bed and the music that leaked into my brain, I yank the curtains aside, watching as the jagged flashes dart across the dark sky, barley touching ground. Even after the lights in the hallway have turned off and footsteps retreat to the room down the hall, I stand, dazed. The clouds move aside and the stars lay sprinkled across the sky, twinkling. I open the window, getting a clearer view of the stars. They never stop twinkling. A cold breeze kisses my cheeks and sends shivers down my spine. My legs ache and I switch the weight of my body repeatedly between my two legs. Finally, the suns begins to rise. The raise grazes my checks and brings warmth to my face. Sky turns purple and pink and the sun peeks from over the horizon.

Knock knock. One last look at the serenity out in front of me and I turn around to answer the door. Ma pushes by me and stands by the open window.

"We're leaving this place."

"Where are we going?" I ask confused, I haven't talked to her in days and that's the first thing she says. No greeting or anything. She ignores that I've been ignoring her.

"Pack your things."

"Where are we going?" I repeat, this time louder, angrier.

"We're going to a fresh start." For the first time in forever, I see her smile.
Hauling my backpack from off the tiled ground, I leave the office with a single note in my hand.

'Good luck in your new school. I'm really disappointed that my beloved teacher pet is leaving. *frowny face* After all the work we've done together. Don't forget to meet the counselor on the first day there. You should give me there information so I know they're good at what they do. Call me a worry wart all you want but I can't even begin to think about forgetting my star pupil ;)
Your Master, Leona

I let a forced chuckle leave me lips, crumple the paper and throw the letter aside. It lands pathetically on the ground behind me. I began to walk away. And I don't stop even through out the 2 years I've been at this horrid school, she's the only one who's ever really took the time to cared. She's the only person in the entire school who managed to make me laugh - even if it was, just once.
She'd want me to go. I guess I can't disappoint her.
I turn around and crouch to pick up the letter from off the dusty floor, realizing I hadn't moved an inch. Adjusting my backpack strap to a different position on my shoulder, I head downstairs to her office.

"I got your note," I say walking in to the room I used to spend most afternoons in. Leano looks up from the book she's reading. There is no title. Maybe it's a diary? I've never seen it before.

"Hey Mariana!" Her chair moves backwards behind her and she comes around the desk, arms wide.

She stops a foot away from me, waiting for me to, willingly step in the hug. My eyes look away from her arms and find there way up to her waiting eyes.

"Fish piss," I mumble under my breath and take a step closer.

I don't move when she wraps her arms around me. The warmth is questionable but the closeness makes my head hurt. I move my head back to look at her, but she pulls harder. I fight the force and see Leona's smiling. How can someone be so happy when squeezing the life out of a child? My head flings against her head when I stop fighting her pressure.

"Okay, okay," I say frustrated. I wiggle my arms out of her grip and push her away. "Thanks for that. Yeah, that was great," I say sarcastically.

She heads back to her chair. I take a seat on the couch behind the desk.

"So, why are you here?" Leona asks.

"Just came to say goodbye, really."

"I knew it!" She slams her hands against the desk and stands up, smiling, "Your gonna miss me!"

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are."

I get up from the couch, "Well it was nice meeting you and stuff, but I guess I better get going."

"Wait." When I turn around her hand is raised. I shake it and look at her. "It was nice meeting you too."

I turn away and walk towards the door, but before I close it, Leona hollers, "Don't miss me to much, honey."
For the second time she makes me smile.

I walk out the double doors and find myself relishing the hot sun against my bare arms. Beside the side walk a crappy, rusty, white Toyota perches against the side walk when it sees me and Ma waves from the drivers seat. Through the window I can see the back seats are filled to the top with bug and small boxes. I look towards the left and try to hide my smile from Ma as I move towards the car. She doesn't need to know how happy I am that we're moving.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2017 ⏰

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