Prologue -Edited-

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I saw the gun before I saw much else. I saw who it was pointed at before seeing who stood behind it. Somehow though, I knew exactly who that someone was and exactly why they were pointing it at that person.

Dexter was oblivious to the fact that a gun was pointing right at his back as he tried to help a complaining woman find what she was looking for. It was easy to feel safe inside of the mall and it was easy to think that nothing would happen when there was a ton of people around.

How stupid all of them had been.

“Dexter, get down!” I yelled just as I saw the finger twitching to pull the trigger. My warning, I don’t know if it was in time or not, was buried quickly as people jumped into panic, already predicting the worst. The way people have been dying and missing left to right,, no wonder everyone was in a panicky state.

Just as I was moving towards Dexter, pushing through the thick crowds of people running out, a hand grasped my wrist and yanked me back and behind the counter that was near the windows of the large store.

“Evan, we have to get to Dexter.” I snapped, looking over and into his intense midnight blue eyes that now shone with protection and determination.

His jaw clenched as he responded, “And let him get to you too?”

I darted my eyes around the surroundings and watched the many footsteps pounding on the ground in a crazy movement as everyone searched for a way out, away from danger, like we should be doing. “God, Evan, I don’t care!”

The grip he had on my wrist tightened and my eyes were forced back to his. “But I do, Kylie! I almost lost you once, twice, god, don’t do this to me again!”

My mind flashed back to how I had nearly drowned in the water when we were trying to escape from a drug dealer named Carl, that when I was younger abused me while he was dating my drunk mother. The feeling of death washed over me and my brain stopped working for a few seconds, before a rubber band snapped in my mind and I was back in reality. That happened a lot now, after I’ll finally woken up out of a coma they thought I wouldn’t survive, snapping in and out of reality without my control.

Evan shook me gently.

“Do you hear me, Kylie?”

“Yeah, I heard you.” I said though my head was being to spin and my heart thumped a bit harder. “But we’ve got to help Dexter, before…”

The sentence wouldn’t finish as I shut my eyes from the dizziness, but it only got worst. Evan’s grip tightened on my wrist and I felt myself being shifted forward into the warmth of his body.

“Kylie, we’ve been at this all day and all night for the past three days. Have you even taken your medicine? Have you even gotten enough rest?”

I groaned. He already knew that answer and exhaustion almost made me fall asleep right then and there in his arms. Instead, I pinched my right arm, the pain jolting my mind awake and the dizzy spell snapped away. “We don’t have time for this, Evan. We’ve got to save Dexter, before he ends up like all the others. There’s no time to be worrying.”

Evan didn’t respond. He knew I was right and that we didn’t have time for this. The mall and the stores were clearing up quickly and if we didn’t hurry there would be the same results that hit all the others we didn’t make it to save. There was no other thought in my mind when Evan’s lips smashed onto mine and automatically one of my hands tangled themselves in his thick mop of long ink black hair while the other went on the back of his neck, pulling him closer.

I savored his taste, the warm and soft feeling of his lips against mine, the way everything seemed to stop and the only thing there was, was Evan and I. He was everything to me, all I think I’ll ever need, my forever. There was nothing I wouldn’t do for him. God, I took a bullet for this boy, what else was there to do? He was the first to pull back.

“Okay, Kylie, we’re walking into this without a plan though.”

Keeping my hands on him and letting them trail to his cheeks, pulling him closer still. I couldn’t get enough of this boy and he knew it. I smiled lightly, even though the disaster around could lead to deaths of many, hell it already has, and I spoke in a whisper.

“When do we ever have a plan, Evan?”

He smirked back at me, snaking his arms around my waist and putting his forehead against mines. “We do have one, jump in and get the hell out.”

“You’ve never been more right than you were just now.”

We gave each other a quick kiss; one we might not have time to do in the near future, before plunging out into the chaos going on around us, the chaos that had now become the definition of our lives. Because this was ride or die all over again and we were in for one hell of a ride.


What do you think so far? The next chapter will be updated soon :):) Thanks for reading!!


Regret or Forget {Book 2}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt