With a dried mouth, I blink and breathe, "You...you never even told me?!...that you had a gun!" I'm so confused for a moment that I start to shake my head, raising my hand to signal him to shut up when he's about to say something, as if the silence will help me think. "Harry...what the fuck.."

Slightly damp hair falls to his face and he pushes it off from his face in agitation, steadily stating, "Tara...listen to me. I didn't tell you because I didn't think this man would go that far. Can you please understa--"

"No. It's not even the fucking gun, Harry. It's that you know about this guy, you knew I was right this whole time even at the hospital when I was nearly begging you to realize it. You knew...the whole fucking time! And...and I was freaking the hell out trying to protect you and everyone else because if I told, I was going to regret it. And even now, I regret it. Because you're acting like I'm at fault for avoiding you when you knew the entire time..--!"


"Just stop," I snap. "Why would you tell me I'm wrong? I wasn't pushing you away, you were doing it to me!" My voice is so loud I feel my throat burn with the excess volume.

His face hardens, and I watch him place the gun on his dresser. Holy fuck, I'm not reacting enough to the fact that he actually has a gun. "Is that thing even legal?" I question, getting off track for a second. He sighs. "Don't even answer that. Jesus, Harry..." I nearly start pacing, walking back and forth, letting out deep breaths.

"I didn't know until your phone went off in front of me multiple times and you got tense every single time. I didn't know until you stopped answering your phone when I was around," he explains flatly, not one bit moved nor fazed by his pacing, gradually losing her shit, girlfriend.

"And what?" I exasperate sarcastically, stopping my pacing to look at him in the face. "You were trying to push me away so maybe this stalker guy would leave me alone? You were letting me go nuts?!"

"In a way, you're right," he admits, grimacing when I let out an angry scream, throat burning. "Tara, --"

"Stop," I warn him, my index finger pointed at him, eyes burning from how wide they are and the lack of blinking. "Just shut up. You always play these stupid mind games. When I first met you, I should've known you were a bit fucking crazy!"

Harry thinks he's smart when he remarks, "And you're not?"

There's a pause.

It takes me a few seconds to lunge forward, and try and shove him. He's making me so mad that my face feels like I'm holding it above a boiling pot of soup. He grunts in response, gripping my wrists and forcing me to turn, both of us landing on his messy bed. Tossed like a doll, I land on my back, hair fanned across my face. Him on top of me with his own thick strands falling above us. We wrestle, a fight of limbs. Mine trying to smack and push at anything, not precisely him. His gripping my wrists and pinning them to the mattress, and yet he manages to be gentle somehow.

"You're bloody insane, you know that?" He breathes out, panting from the struggle of trying to pin me down.

"Me?! I'm insane!??--"

Our lips touch when he leans down, shutting me up with a hard, quick kiss. "Shut up," he breathes against my skin. I send him a warning glance, eyes narrowed and jaw clenched. He raises his eyebrows in response, softly adding," Just for a sec, baby."

"Don't fucking call me baby," I remark, trying to regain my composure. As much as I can at this point, which is very little of it. "You realize that...I was losing my mind and you knew the whole time? Do you know how that makes me feel? It's like you were torturing me. It makes no sense. How could --"

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