Chapter 24

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n. since some of you have been asking me what the other characters look like :)) I couldn't fit all of them nor could I find one of Kennedy that really is how I pictured him so I'll try to be more descriptive when speaking of his character. thanks for reading. love ya!

For a few days I had little contact with anyone, even Harry. As I focused myself on writing my term paper, I wanted to isolate myself and recharge my social and emotional batteries. Harry would constantly text me, asking if I was okay. If I wanted him to bring me anything. That he's worried about me. But for some reason, I felt drained. And all I wanted was to be alone. Stay home and eat and work on this dreadful paper.

I blame it on the winter months approaching. The gloomy sky and the seasonal affects don't just physically set some differences but also cause a seasonal depression. My mother has been looking at some other places, as we plan to move after the incidents lately. I'm glad she wants to leave. I sort of want to as well. The stairs are tiring.

After my classes, I headed towards my favorite vending machine. Briefly remembering the memories this machine already made for me, I put in my counted up change and buy myself some Chips A'Hoy. My mood increases slightly, endorphins skyrocketing with happiness. The joy is short lived as I glance down at myself. My thighs and stomach are becoming a lot fleshier, and I think I should start working out. Health-wise. But then again I really want to eat the cookies.


It's become a habit that when someone calls my name, and I turn around, I don't like the outcomes of the impending situation. My eyes flicker up and I see Cassiel. We haven't spoken since the apartment thing, where I refused to open the door to him after he got into a fist fight with Harry. I can't ever be too careful with people, but now that I look at this guy, I don't see the reason I was so afraid. Maybe in the moment, knowing I was alone physically and mentally with my trust issues.

He sports a leather jacket and his bag strapped around his shoulder. I remember Xavier and the little affair he has with him. Poor Xavier deserves someone better, not someone who's toying with his feelings in the sense that he sleeps with Deborah as well. But, in his mind and to his knowledge, I know nothing about Xavier and what he means to him.

"What?" I ask right off the bat, my voice sharp and dry. Not that I wanted to sound harsh with the lack of hospitality in my voice, but there is definitely the presence of an influence from my dreadful mood that has been dominating me this week.

Cassiel's light, hazel eyes watch me carefully. He stops at a proper distance away, and presses his lips together in hesitation.

I know I must look like hell. My hair is tossed into a pony tail I didn't bother to brush back neatly, I have no makeup on so the bags and dark circles are incredibly prominent, and my clothes are the pajamas I went to bed with last night except for a red flannel thrown over it all. It truly is not my best week.

"I uh...I just wanted to say that I'm sorry about Deborah freaking out on you and Harry like that. And that I was totally out of line, saying shit like that to Harry...especially 'cause his dad," he explains to me, and I wait for him to bring up the apartment incident, and he doesn't so I find my way of bringing it up myself.

My fingers fiddle with the bag of cookies in my hands. I glance down at them before looking to him again. "Yeah. That's okay. Deborah will come around. And sorry I ignored you when you stopped by. I don't know you very well, you just got into a fight with my boyfriend, and I have very little trust. It's a habit."

He nods quickly, eyebrows raising and sputtering, "Oh, yeah, that's nothing. I get it. For the record I really just wanted to tell you I'm sorry. And that Harry was right."

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