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Sorry I forgot to tell you guys the out come of the Christmas party. I ended up wearing booty shorts with tights under neath and a blue and black shirt with rips in it. I had to also wear makeup with it (I hate makeup) people said that I looked totally different and mature.
I was horrible at playing my part, we ended up having lines that we needed to say. My character had a foul mouth so every few seconds I would have to stop and come up with another word that was like that one.

Some people at thw party that was my famiky i didnt even know, it was my first time meeting them. For one of my lines I had to go up to my cousin and ask him for some "happy pills" Because my character wanted some.

In total I only stole 2 things, my dad's phone (he was mad) and my mumum's purse, mind I tell you I had to put these things under my tight shirt, to make it worse my mumum didn't even know it was gone so I walked around for half the party with a purse in my shirt.
Every now and then I would be confronted of stealing stuff and being the murderer because I got angry at the advice my cell mate told me (Prison). My mumum was the murderer.............All in all the party was fun at the end I got some nice gifts. I hope you guys had a nice time.

By the way for new years I did stay up till midnight but the result was me waking up at 9:00am I was so mad at my self because I usally wake up at 8:00am or 7:30am, so I'm never doing that again.  

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