chapter 7

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Third POV
(Y/N) and Kanato were still hugging when Subaru walked by. He looked at the two and knew what had happened. Of course he wants some too, but not right now. (Y/N) had enough for today, he needs to rest now. And with that Subaru start walking again. He hoped that (Y/N) whoud be safe with Kanato, because he can get realy angrey, and loves to punish the one who maked him angry. But for now, (Y/N) needs indeed to rest. He did the best he could to hold his eyes open. His grip on Kanato weakened and he laid him down on the bed and put the blanket over (Y/N). "Oyasumi, (Y/N)." Kanato said and leaved the room with Teddy in his arms. 

*time skip to the next 'morning'*

Kanato POV

I saw (Y/N)'s eyes open slowly  when I stoot beside his bed and looked at him. At first I just used him for his blood because it is almost impossible to even get close to Yui. But now, there is somthing about him that has changed my mind. I don't know what it is, but he kinda feels like Teddy to me. "K-Kanato..kun?" "Ohayo, (Y/N)" I said to him.

Your POV

 I sat up in bed and looked at Kanato. Kanato looked at me and I could tell by looking at his eyes, that he wants to drink my blood. I sighed and closet my eyes. "Dozo" I said and toke the pyjamas down by my left shoulder. "Hm?" came from Kanato's mouth when he looked surprised at me. I opened my eyes again and looked at Kanato. "If you don't want it, that's fi-" "I didn't say that!" "Than, here, go ahead." I said while I looked at Kanato who looked a little worried at me. "Are you sure?" He asked "Hm" I said with a nod. His expresion changed and he sat Teddy on the nightstand next to my bed. 

He first started to kiss my neck and shoulder. I just let it happen. I closed my eyes. Kanato's fangs got in my soft skin and he started to suck my blood. I could hear him drink it. Of course it hurted, but because it's Kanato who drinks my blood, the pain get killed. 

"Why.... Why do you let me drink your blood voluntarily? Why are you so nice to me? Why do you act like I'm a friend to you? You don't know anything about me, but you act to me like you know me your whole life..... Why?........ Please..... TELL ME WHY!!"  Kanato got emotionally all of a sudden. It looked like he was about to cry..........................................................

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