“You sure about letting me leave the four walls of your house?” she taunted.

“Are you coming?” he asked her. It had been a month since he’d allowed her to leave her room because of the small crack detected in her bone. She felt that he was over reacting but he would make sure that she listened to him.

“Of course I am! Let me get changed!” she told him and pushed him out of her room.

“Just don’t take forever to come out of the room!” he told and left her room.

Soon, both were ready and went out for dinner. Ronnie stayed closed to her all the time and made sure that she was okay walking outside. He noticed her eyes squinting when light first fell on her, indicating how she wasn’t used to of this brightness. He wrapped his arm around her back and guided her towards a nearby restaurant as Kathy insisted on walking. She felt warm and giddy at the close proximity.

“I can walk with your help!” she said after a while. This closeness was making her think of things that she wasn’t supposed to think. She was scared of him, she was scared of losing him; she was scared of her feelings for him; just like he was. Ronnie’s hand left her waist immediately, making her miss that warmth instantly.

“I know babe.” He said.

“Babe?” she laughed. Oh, how he loved her laughter. He looked at her and shrugged like it was nothing but being there with her meant a lot to him.

“Here we are.” She said as they reached the restaurant. The guard opened the door for them and they sat in the far end table which was next to a huge glass window. Soft romantic music played in the background and a chilled glass of wine was served.

“But we didn’t order this!” Kathy exclaimed.

“Oh no, these drinks are on the man sitting at the center table since it’s their 50th wedding anniversary!” the waiter smiled handing them the menu and walked away. Kathy looked at the happy couple that were surrounded by a few guests and smiled. The couple looked very much in love even after so many years. The man was holding his wife’s hand and saying something in her ears. Age showed on their faces but the glow on their face was still something that made them look so attractive.

“Aren’t they cute?” she asked Ronnie who was already looking at her. He looked away from her as soon as she caught him looking at her.

“50 years, I don’t how they spent so many years together and are still happy!” he exclaimed, making her frown at him.

“Love makes such miracles possible!” she said with a lot of feelings, looking straight in his eyes. He felt like that was directed to him and his heart skipped a beat. He looked back in her eyes and they stared at each other without saying a word, as if they both were in a spell.

“Your order sir!” the waiter came and broke that spell, making them look away from each other and look in to the menu again. They soon decided on their order and instructed the waiter who nodded and walked away from there.

“Seems like we’ve come here at the right time; see how everything is so beautifully set here. This couple can’t seem to get over each other.” Kathy said after a while as she noticed how they were slow dancing on instrumental notes that filled the background. A few other couples had joined them too.

“What a lovely couple! Why don’t you go there and dance?” a stranger came and told them. Both Ronnie and Kathy looked up at the women who just told them this.

“I’m sorry; I’m Maria Fernandez, their daughter. We just want everything to be perfect for them. And then I saw you two, lost in to each other’s eyes and then I decided that I had to come here!” she said. Ronnie cleared his throat as he looked up at the women.

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