He reaches down and picks me up, bridal style.

"I can walk." I snap, my heartbeat increasing as I feel his hand on my bare skin.

"Oh shut up and let me carry you," he responds snarkily.

"Harper, I'm fine." I insist, my heart only beating faster and faster as his touch seems to burn my skin, what the hell is happening?

"Shut up Carson and be still before I drop you." he snaps at me and I glare up at him before falling silent.

Roy walks up to the others and Laurel rushes up to us.

"You okay Becca?" she asks somewhat frantically.

"I'm fine," I say, hostile, still mad at her.

Laurel gives me an apologetic look before walking back over to Diggle who is picking up the, now knocked out, Sara. I look at Roy and he sighs before walking in the direction of the van, his hand still gripping my bare skin. Ten minutes later, we all pile out of the van, Roy carrying me and Diggle carrying Sara. We walk into the campaign office and ride the elevator down, the entire time I am painfully aware of his hand on my waist. Roy gently lays me down on a table that Felicity and Thea had quickly cleared, I sigh almost grateful he had finally let me go. I remove the gauze to reveal that the bleeding has stopped.

"Ollie!" I call out and Oliver comes over.

"There isn't an exit wound, I need you to pull the bullet out." I sigh and Oliver rolls his eyes, a wave of annoyance washing over both of us. We had experienced way worse injuries than this in the past with much less than what we have in the Arrow cave to take care of it.

"You don't seem very worried, considering she just got shot," Roy says to Oliver.

"That's cause I'm not," Oliver says causing the others to look somewhat startled.

"It's a shoulder wound, I'll be fine," I mumble, annoyed by the fuss over a simple injury, it doesn't even hurt.

"Exactly," Oliver says and puts his bow and arrows down before grabbing a medical kit.

He pulls out a pair of tweezers and begins to sterilize them.

"Small problem," Felicity says and we all look over at her. "We don't have any painkillers."

"It's fine, I don't need it," I say with a shake of her head.

"He's about to pull a bullet out from inside your shoulder and you don't want painkillers?" Laurel says with a confused yet astonished look on her face.

"I'll be fine," I repeat as Oliver says at the same time. "She'll be fine."

"You can't be serious?" Roy asks us and we both glare at him.

"Guys, seriously, I'll be fine," I repeat for what seems to be the thousandth time and give everyone a reassuring smile.

Diggle sighs and walks away with Sara; Laurel and Thea trailing after him. Felicity walks up to us and glances at Roy with a look that says are we really going to let this happen and he just shrugs. I grab a scalpel from medical kit and use it to cut off my shirt. Roy averts his eyes and when he looks back up, I have a smirk playing on my lips. He rolls his eyes and looks over at Oliver who brings the tweezers to my shoulders.

"Ready?" he asks me and I nod.

By now the others have returned and they all watch as Oliver pushes the tweezers into my open wound. I sit there silent and unmoving as Oliver searches for the bullet.

"Got it." he mumbles and begins to pull the bullet out.

I remain as still as possible, focusing on my breathing like I'd been taught as he pulls the bullet completely out. He drops it in a metal pan and grabs a suture kit. He begins to stitch up my wound and I do my best to remain still, knowing it helps the process.

"He pulled a bullet out of you and now he's pushing a needle through your skin to sew it up, and you haven't flinched. You haven't shown any type of pain. You haven't even so much as close your eyes!" Felicity exclaims.

"Pain and I have come to a certain understanding over the years," I respond nonchalantly.

"Huh, Sara gave me that same answer," Felicity says and gives me a strange look, striking a chord in my heart.

Oliver finishes my stitches and begins to pack up the medical kit. I roll my shoulder and crack my neck before looking at Felicity.

"Well, that's probably because Sara and I went through quite a lot of pain together," I say, trying to keep myself together, barely avoiding letting my voice waver.

"You know Sara?" Roy asks me.

"I was on the island, wasn't I?" I say with a really? look, teasing Roy, taking the edge off the memories of Sara.

He glares at me and I just smile at him.

"So?" Felicity prompts with a sweet smile, seeming genuinely interested.

"So what?" I ask, confused.

"You and Sara? Were you friends?" Felicity asks.

I glance at Oliver who offers me nothing but a small unhelpful smile. My eyes meet Laurel's and I feel somewhat of a combination of anger and guilt filter throughout my body on top of the sadness and longing from the mention of Sara.

"Yeah, we were friends," I say quietly before beginning to walk away. "Excuse me,"

I barely manage to keep the tears from falling from the overwhelming emotions before I reach the elevator doors.


Thank you so much for reading! I hope you all enjoyed! Aren't feelings fun? Haha! Comments and votes are always appreciated! I love y'all! Thanks so much!

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