Story Ideas

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Hello! :D So I've noticed that almost everyone has a story idea book, so I figured, "Why not?"

Note that these are ideas that I came up with randomly. It may be left very vague and open ended or maybe the other way around. Some of these may be long, some may be short. These might mostly be fan fictions. Eh.

Please don't steal my ideas. I will find you. Don't take me for granted, because I'm not one to be taken for granted.

I'm going to explain some things below. So if you're interested, read the following!

I F    Y O U ' R E    I N T E R E S T E D :

Just comment, and I'll decided whether or not to give it to you. Chances are you'll get it because I doubt there will be two or more persons battling for one of the plots.

This is NOT a first come, first serve. If there are more than one people requesting for one story idea, then I will have to choose.

P A Y M E N T :

All I ask for is a dedication and credit for the plot. Please state that I was the one who came up with the idea. Otherwise would be called stealing, and that's not okay with me.

C H A N G E S :

You can change the name of the protagonist, or if it's a fan fiction, you may change the name of the boy. You could switch it up a bit if you'd like, anything works.

O T H E R     C L A R I F I C A T I O N S :

-> If you somehow end up not using the plot, please notify me about it.
-> When requesting for a plot, please be polite.
-> Be patience. Patience is a virtue.
-> I don't like drama, so please no arguing. I will choose randomly, and if you so happen to receive the plot, kudos to you.

Yep, that's all! I doubt anyone will request but oh well, I'm winging this.

Copyrighted to @xxNightStarsxx.

Happy requesting,


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