Chapter 1

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The next day I woke up early when I heard my alarm and took a quick shower. I picked out some clothes, got ready, took a couple pieces of bread, and walked out to my bus stop. As I passed the house only seven away from mine, I looked around and saw him in his window watching tv with a blue robe, black slippers, and a cup of coffee. He had his feet up in his recliner watching televsion. 

Im not the one to snoop but I looked around the room he was in and I couldn't see the girls. They looked old enough for school. Why werent they up getting ready? I didn't see the bus pass and pick them up. There were no bookbags or coats or even shoes anywhere in sight. What if he was watching them for the night and their parents already got them? Thats probably what happened. I looked back at the recliner and he wasn't in it. I heard his front door click and start to open so I turned my head and started walking faster. He walked outside and walked up to the edge of the road watching me. I walked much faster and avoided eye contact.

What if he saw me looking in his house? What if he saw me last night? There's my bus. 

I ran a bit and caught up to my bus. I turned around and he was watching me but slowly walking back inside. He had come outside for me! Oh no. I better take a different way home tonight. I hope I don't forget. When i stepped onto the bus, I saw the bus driver nod at me close the door. When I sat down with some girl a year younger than me I thought to myself.

Maybe he's a babysitter? Maybe the girls were his neices? Maybe I didn't even see any girls? 

I looked up front where most of the younger kids sat and saw a little pale girl with freckles and dark red natural long hair. Her bright blue eyes took you by surprise and her little black dress containing some sparkles was very noticable. She was in first grade, it's easy to tell. 


When I got out of school, I forgot to get off at a different stop and I got off at my usual spot. I walked home and looked in his house. I started this as a habit and figured mabye the two blonde girls would be there. I didn't see them, but I did see someone with red hair and a black dress running around. She was on my bus this morning. Why was she there? Was she related to him? She looked fine.

I looked downstairs in the cellar to try and find him and he was staring at me watching the little girl. He saw me look at him and I ran. He started to run upstairs but the girl got in his way. I jumped over my neighbors metal fence and into my backyard. I opened the door, ran in, and locked it quickly. I ran upstairs to my room and peaked out the window. He was walking past my house looking for me. What was wrong with me looking in his house? Did I see something he didn't want me to? Why didn't he just buy curtains? 

I rested back onto my bed and panted heavily. Then, I took out my homework and started it. A half hour later and I was done so I slowly peaked out my window and he wasn't anywhere in sight. He must have gone home. Did the girl go home? Did he know I lived here? What if he did? Why was he mad? Where's that young girl? 

I opened my laptop and clicked on the internet icon. Out popped this news story with a picture of a little girl with black hair. She had a cute little face and forrest green eyes. I haven't seen her. But another popped up and it said,

"Possible Missing Sisters"

Under it, showed the two little blonde girls. The little blonde girls that were at the house seven down from me. Did he kidnap them? Does he have them? Did he kill them? Are they alive? Is that why he was looking for me? 

See what happens when you snoop. Now i'm involved. He knows I know. Now hes going to do something to me. The only problem is, I don't know. I don't know if he kills them, or if they are still alive. I would have to break in to find out for myself, or snoop. There is no way I am breaking in. Maybe I should call the police. I can't. I don't have any evidence. I don't have any proof. Can I call in an annonymous tip? I could say something like 'I know where the two blonde sisters were seen last'. Would they be able to know who I am? What if my neighbor seven houses down is now tracing my calls. What if he's moving now? What if he kills them and there is no evidence and the police are mad at me and he comes after me? 

I don't know what to do, but I definitely know the girls in his house were the girls on the internet. 

I looked out my window and down the street. He was pulling out of his driveway. I wanted to see if the girl was still in the house. How long would he be gone? When he passed my house I ducked down and popped back up a few seconds later. He was taking a left. Where does left lead? EIther to a store down the street or to a supermarket a half hour away. 

I quickly slid on my shoes and a jacket and it was now dark enough that if he came back I could run and he wouldn't see me. I ran outside and down the street. I went to his back door and looked inside. No sight of the girl but I looked downstairs and there were her shoes. I know she wasn't in the car with him. There was smoke coming out of his chimney and then I saw a piece of something black fly out. I ran over and caught it and sure enough it was fabric with sparkles. 

He burned the three little girls? He did! He killed them! He was a killer! My neighbor, only seven houses down, was a serial killer who killed little girls! I bet he killed the little girl with black hair on my computer. I shoved the black fabric in my pocket and ran home. I ran upstairs and looked out. He still wasn't there, but I couldn't stay any longer. My nerves were overwhelming me and my stomach was churning. I was shaking inside and out. I layed down and went to sleep. Hoping to know what to do tomorrow. I definitely didn't know today, not now. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2014 ⏰

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