Chapter 2: The Glide Accident

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After School...

I thought about going to the skating rink tonight. I didn't really have the money though. I had the week off so no paycheck. I was laid across my bed, staring out the window. The window was open and a cool light breeze blew in my room. I took out my Samsung Note 4 and checked the endless notifications. I swiped them away and then swung my arms back. I'm so bored.... I end up getting up to find something to do. My brother was in the kitchen, raiding the pantry for anything good to eat.

I chuckled, "I bet you were skipping today and missed lunch. If Mom finds her snacks missing, you're gonna get it." "I don't really care, I'm starving! For your information, I was not skipping, I had basketball practice and Coach Rambert ran out of snacks." he corrected me while still looking through the pantry. "Snacks or no snacks, Mom is still gonna flip. You probably should care. But then again, only idiots like you wouldn't." I smirked. I saw him stop and then he approached me. He was smiling this time... Crap...!

"I'll show you the idiot here!" he laughed while tickling me half to death. I was laughing so hard, I thought I'd die! "Hahahaha- Stop- Hahhaahaaa!- Please--ahahahahahhahahaha! I'm sorry!" I struggled to say as he kept tickling me. He finally stopped but personally it was probably because his arms got tired. "Great, now my stomach hurts." I said. "Too bad." he said playfully. I rolled my eyes and then asked him, "Hey, are you going to the Glide?" "Yeah, what about it?" he asked. "I think I may go too, my friend is there." I said. "Well, have fun, but don't expect me to cling to you, because I'm leaving you to do your own thing." he said.

My brother was 17 years old, and he had his license, which meant, he was my ride. "Please take me, Ethan!" I begged. "Fine, but if I'm ready and you aren't then, no promises." he said. I went back in my room and got ready to go. I slid on my blue jeans, and my v-neck black, long-sleeve shirt. Then I slid on my socks and high tops. I brushed my curly hair into a messy bun and then came back in the living room. I heard the shower in the distance so he must be still getting ready. I took out my phone and dialed Hope.


"Hey Hope."

"Hi Aya, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, just trying to talk to you. You were acting weird earlier, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I wasn't exactly feeling good this morning. It's nothing."

"You can talk to me."

"Like I said, I was a little sick."

"Okay, but if I find out it was something else, then I'll know you were lying to me."

"Are you going to the Glide tonight?"

"Yep, my bro is taking me. How about you?"

"I'm going, but I may be a little late. Actually- I can give you a ride over there, could your brother drop you off at my place first?"

"Sure thing."

"See you then." she said.

"Alright, bye." I replied while pressing the hang-up button.

I sighed as I waited for my brother, he took quite a long time. Soon he came out in a tuxedo and shiny black shoes. "Where are YOU going?" I asked sarcastically. "High School goes to the glide in a few hours, so I'm taking my girlfriend out on a date. Gotta pick her up first though." he said. If there was one girl in the world that I hated was Mila Henson. My brother's girlfriend. She was a player for sure, and I'd caught her but my brother told me I was lying.

She's never met me and because of that, my brother assumed I didn't know at all. Now today was the day. We got in car, and I sat in the front seat. Soon we drove in front of her house which was huge, and she came out almost looking disgusted. "Who's this? You breaking up with me or something on OUR DATE?! You're a perv, she looks so much younger than you!" she said angrily. "Chill out. I'm his sister and second, don't talk to him like that or else!" I yelled. She almost looked surprised then her angry expression returned. "Are we seriously taking her with us?" she asked as if I wasn't there. "Mind your own business, gold digger." I muttered loud enough for them both to hear. My brother shot a glare and then I felt a wave of disappointment come from him. I loved my brother and I didn't want him to get hurt by that gold digging tramp.

She finally got in the backseat and was complaining to herself as we drove to Hope's house. I glared at her the whole time as she said rude things about me. I believe it was because I didn't set a good impression; which was probably what my brother was hoping for. Like I said, I already knew her, just neither of them remembered that day. I got out the car and slammed the door. I waved goodbye to my brother and glared at Mila as she sat in the front seat. I knocked on the door impatiently.

I met Hope at the door with a slight frown on her face. She looked like this earlier, that look of extreme worry. She rarely had times like these. I stepped inside as she closed the door behind me. The house was clean and big as usual and I smelled a nice aroma from the kitchen. "Hey Aya!" Mrs. Halverson called out from the kitchen. "Hi! Thanks for having me over!" I said. "No problem, dinner will be on the table shortly!" I heard her said as Hope dragged me away to her room. When she shut the door, she took a deep breath.

"Kaden and I went on a date." she said. "What's so wrong with that?" I asked. "We Netflix and Chilled afterwards, and I took a test today." she said. "What is wrong with you Hope?!" I nearly yelled. "Shush! I needed to tell someone, if everyone in school found out, I'd be toast." she frowned. "Take another one to be sure." I said. She went in the bathroom and came back out. We still had to wait a few minutes. "Negative." I read aloud. She took a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness."

Now what? I came over, now we need to go to the Glide before everyone left. "Now you can go to the Glide." I said. "You're right! Let me get ready." she said before grabbing a similar outfit to mine and jumping in the bathroom. Once she was done, we went back down stairs and food was on the table already. "Hey Aya, I fixed something to eat so, you can make yourself a plate if you need to." Mrs. Halverson said. "We'll have to pass Mom, we're going to the Glide, if we fall, then we'll throw up." Hope said. "Fine, you need some spending money?" she asked grabbing her purse. "$40.00 would be nice, but if you can't then that's fine." Hope said. "When this party is done, you best come back straight home." she said handing us the 40 dollars. We all got in the car and drove there.

"Thanks Mom." she said hopping out the back seat with me. "Same here, thank you for taking me." I chimed in. She smiled then drove off. We walked inside and paid for our rental skates and admission ticket. We met up with Kay and the others. I scanned the room quickly looking for Jarrod. Wasn't he here? I thought for sure he would be. I looked again and I saw him finally! I took a deep sigh of relief and went to go skate by myself.

I had been skating for like 15 minutes until I saw Jarrod come next to me. "Hey!" he said through the music. My heart beat faster and I had almost been caught off guard. "H-Hey!" I said quickly trying to maintain balance. "Skate away from him, Aya...! "I told myself. Yet, I didn't."Can we talk real quick?" he asks. "Two more rounds, wait for me over there!" I pointed to a place near the arcade. He nodded and went to the area. I sped up in my skating speed, smoothly cruising through the crowds. I realized I had went for more than two rounds and then focused on getting to the arcade area. I slowed down a bit but it didn't help as I saw Jarrod at the entrance and collided into him.

Everything wasn't exactly clear, but I could tell I ran into him, everyone was staring at us. Most of all, I fell back on the wood, and I felt like I hit my head and as for the bottom, it felt like my tailbone cracked or something. It hurt a lot as to where I started crying. It wasn't full fledged but endless tears kept running down my face that I couldn't stop. It looked like Jarrod wasn't hurt too bad, he had landed on the carpet side and probably hit his head on the wall. I watched him as he held his head and I wanted to comfort him. Why can't I get up! Why! He then glanced at me before hastily crawling toward me. "Aya!" was the last thing I heard before my blurred vision went black.

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