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Zach's Pov

Zach: Owen...

Owen climbs on top of me while I'm on his bed and starts to suck on my neck. I groan and he goes up to my lips and whispers:

Owen: wake up.

Zach: what?

Owen: kid, wake up!

I sit up in the bed and look around, Owen standing by me with a confused face.

Zach: what?

Owen: you don't wake up easy do you?

Zach: sorry

I shyly smile at him and I feel my cheeks burning. Owen smiles and stops crouching. He puts out his hand for me to take and I grab on to it.

Zach: what's going on?

Owen: it's about time to drop you off at your aunts.

Zach: oh

Owen: you almost sound disappointed. Do you actually like it here?

Owen playfully pushes my shoulder and I push back.

Zach: shut up, I just like being somewhere alone with some dudes. Being with Gray and the girls all the time just isn't fun.

Owen: well, just like today, tomorrow I will be picking you both up and we are heading to Aviary where we can see the Dimorphodons and the Pteradons. The after I could drop you guys off at the Gyrosphere while I stay and talk to the guy working there at that time.

Zach: sounds fun.

But it didn't at the same time. Part of me wants to spend time with Gray on this trip because he loves dinosaurs but part of me wants to just stay here with Owen at the paddock or even at his home.

Owen: lets go kid.

Zach: yeah sure

Owen and I walk to his motorcycle and hop on.

Owen: you might want to hold on.

Zach: why's that?

Owen: it's gonna be a bumpy ride

I hear his words and instantly instead of grabbing on to his shoulder or shirt, I wrap my arms around his torso.

He takes off and we head over to the hotel again.

(Time skip)

Soon we reach the hotel and I get off. I turn back around to Owen and he smiles at me.

Zach: thanks Owen, you actually helped me with a lot of things today.

Owen: no problem kid.

Zach: can't wait until tomorrow.

I hesitate for a second but I put my arms around him and hug him. Then I let go, wave, and walk into the hotel.

I press the button on the elevator to my floor but the elevator doors stop and a guy walks in. He presses a button and that's when I realize it's the guy from the bathroom. I quickly run out of the elevator and at that moment the guy realizes who I was. He hops out of the elevator next and runs after me. No one was walking around the lobby and the people that work at the desk were probably in the back room talking.

Man: where are you going little princess?

Zach: away from you.

I run faster and turn a corner only to be stopped at a dead end. The man walks over to me and I look at him terrified.

Man: it's about time you come with me

The man grabs my arm and drags me back to the elevator. He presses his floor which so happens to be mine as well and he waits. I struggle in his arm to get loose but he won't let go. The elevator doors open and we walk into the hallway. I see Owen at my room and I try to call out to him, the man sees this and grabs onto my face making sure I can't say a word. He grabs a cloth and ties it around my mouth.

I start kicking and punching him with my other arm but it's not doing anything. Owen's still walking down the hallway to my room and this guy is still dragging me to his. The man find his room and he has to grab his card key. The card drops and he bend over to grab it. I take this as my chance and I kick him so he falls on his head. The guys still as a hold of my arm but he cusses loudly, drawing Owen's attention.

Owen: Zach?!

Owen runs over to where the guy is holding me and punches the guy as he tries to get back up. The man lets go on accident and that's when Owen grabs onto me instead and runs for the door. We make it to the door and we start pounding on the door.

Owen: Gray? Claire? Let us in and hurry!

Claire: you're not in a rush.

Owen: shut the hell up and open the door.

The man gets up and realizes that Owen has got me. He starts running to us but Claire opens the door and Owen pushes us through. He closes the door and the next thing we hear is loud banging.

Man: I'll get you boy, you understand?!

We hear the loud footsteps head back to his room and Owen sighs.

Owen: Zach..

I'm sitting but he door crying with new bruises and a filthy rag ties around my mouth. Owen unties the cloth and I instantly jump up and hug him. I cry harder into his chest and he hugs me tighter. Owen looks over at Aunt Claire with a worried expression.

Owen: what's going on?

Claire: I don't know.

Owen: you don't know who you are letting into the park? Or do you just not care? Money isn't everything Claire!

Claire: I understand that. Zach, I'm going to hire someone to watch over you while you are on this trip.

I nod my head, not willing to argue from being to weak.

Owen: there is no need to hire someone, I'll watch over Zach.

Claire: what about Gray? You're job was supposed to be their tour guide.

Owen: let Zara do it. She takes Gray for some days and I'll take care of Zach.

Claire: fine, staring tomorrow you will be taking care of Zach. Make sure he doesn't get hurt.

Owen: I won't.

Claire: Zach, you should get some sleep. You can sleep tonight here if you want to Owen.

Owen: no, I'm okay. I need to get home anyway.

Claire walks to her room and leaves Owen and I alone.

Owen: I'm sorry Zach, you weren't supposed to get hurt on this trip and I'm-

I hug him tighter and he stops talking.

Zach: don't s-say you're sorry f-for something you didn't k-know was gonna happen.

Owen: but still-

Zach: no. Thank you Owen for doing this for me. You didn't have to offer your freedom for the month because I don't know how to handle my own problems.

Owen: you never have to handle a problem alone Zach. Get some sleep kid.

I nod my head and start walking to my room. I hear the door close and I sigh.

I climb into bed and close my eyes. I'm to tired to think so I just fall asleep.

Paralyzed { Owen Grady X Zach Mitchell } { Jurassic World }Where stories live. Discover now