Derrick's hand squeezing hers helped her reign in her temper, and she turned to see him, her cousins, and Tommy all staring at her. She nodded at them to let them know she was in control of her emotions. Their identical looks of rage helped her. If they could keep cool while Jared was talking to the bastard, so could she.

"I'm not sure what her wolf looks like, Mr. Jordan. I only came across her scent while patrolling, and she was in human form. But no matter what her size and defending abilities, if she chooses to remain with my pack, then she can. I will not force her out. Nor will I allow any slight against her to go unpunished. If she stays, she will become a full member of the pack, and that includes the right to protection from outside entities. I assume, thats how you treat your pack," Jared said as he rolled his eyes.

They all heard a low growl come from the receiver pressed to Jared's ear before Robert took a deep breath. He was about to change tactics.

"Yes, of course, Alpha," he said in a sickenly contemptuous voice. "You're right. The choice should be Angel's. I just wanted the opportunity to get to know her better, and thought her living in my territory would be most conducive to that outcome."

Angel rolled her eyes at his words. If he couldn't bully Jared into turning her over, he was going to try to out articulate him. She caught Tommy's eye and shook her head in disgust. He nodded and rolled his own eyes before turning back to what Jared was saying.

"I'll inform her that you're on the phone, then," Jared said before reaching over and pressing the hold button on the console unit. As soon as he saw the red light start flashing, he slammed the phone into the cradle and snarled.

"Can you believe that asshole?!"

Angel stood from her place next to her father on the couch and walked to Jared. She wrapped her arms around him and slowly ran her hands up and down his back in a soothing manner.

"Just relax, baby," she crooned into his ear. "Everything will be fine. He doesn't know about us. He doesn't know I'm stronger than him, and he doesn't know about my wolf. I'll talk to him, let him think he's convinced me to trust him, and once I'm there, I'll be able to free my mother. Hopefully, I'll be able to kill him at the same time, and save you the hassle!"

Jared chuckled at her words, and he felt some of the tension ease from his shoulders. She was right. She was more than strong enough to take care of herself, retrieve her mother, and cause enough distraction that he and his enforcers, plus those of her father's, and a couple of their allies' would be able to defeat him. But she was wrong about one thing.

If anyone was going to kill her uncle, it would be him.


Angel fidgeted as she waited for her uncle to pick her up from the airport. She had spent close to ten minutes on the phone with him two days before, allowing him to "convince" her that living with him would be the best thing for her, and had finally agreed to come for a "visit" before she made up her mind. She wasn't stupid, and knew he had had no plans on letting her leave once she finally stepped foot in his territory, but she didn't let on that she knew. What she hadn't expected was how difficult it would be to say goodbye to Jared, even if it was only for a day.

He was one state over, in one of Derrick's allies' territories, waiting for nightfall when they would breach Robert's line and come for her and Rebecca.

'He's here, baby,' she mentally told him when she saw Robert pull up to the curb. 'He just pulled up. Well, she thought, his driver pulled up. His pompous ass is probably hiding in the backseat behind thick bulletproof glass.'

     'Alright, Little One,' Jared replied, and she felt a sense of relief that their link worked over such a distance. 'Please, be safe. Contact me when you find your mother. I love you.'

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