Chapter one: The Move

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This is Sky Miller :)

"Mom I'm 19 and capable of living on my own. I'm taking Aviana with me. She doesn't need a crack head for a mother! You never do anything for us anymore since dad died. You need to get your shit together before you can care for anyone else!" I scream in her face.

"That's not a way to talk to your mother Sky!" Mom yelled as tears were streaming down her face. She finally realized she's never getting us back.

I grab mine and Aviana, my little sister's, things, walk out the door, and loaded all of our belongings in my Jeep. I picked up Aviana as she cried because she knew mom wasn't coming with us. After buckling her in her car seat, I went back inside to grab my guitar and my remaining stuff.

"Don't come running back to me when you can provide for you and Aviana! The moment you walk out that door, you no longer matter to me." Mom shouted

"Go smoke some crack out of a homeless man's ass. Don't bother contacting me when YOU can't provide for yourself." I snap back at her.

We're leaving Oakland and moving to LA to get away from the trash I call "mother." Ever since my father died 5 years ago, things have change drastically. Mom started going out with a different guy every night, coming home drunk, and worst of all started doing drugs. When I turned 19, I knew I wanted to take my 5 year old sister with me because this wasn't a suitable environment for her. I wanted to give her a chance at life and help her become successful.

Several hours later, Aviana wakes up in her car seat as we're driving.

"Sky, how long until we're in LA?"

"Just a few more hours. Go back to sleep Avi."

Avi is my nickname for her. I came up with it a few moments after she was born.

We finally arrived in LA and pulled into a hotel. The hotel was close to the water. I figured I'd take Aviana there tomorrow to wear her out.

"Avi, wake up." I shook her leg from the drivers seat.

"Are we here?"

"Yes finally." I exclaim as I take her out of her car seat. She's so exhausted. I can see it in her eyes.

I take her with me to check in. I pay the check in fee and get the key to our room. Floor 3, room 7. I take Aviana's hand and take her to the elevator. I tell her to push number 3 and she obeys. We arrive on the 3rd floor and find our room.

"Wow" both Aviana and I say amazed. Our hotel room was really nice. It had a direct view of the water too.

"Sky I'm hungry."

"Let's bring our clothes up here and then we'll go get food."

I didn't want to bring everything we brought into the hotel room. So I figured we'd just get our necessities.

"I want a piggy back ride" Aviana whines.

"Hop on" I say crouching down so she can climb aboard my back. I grab our room key and then we leave to get our stufff.

We get to the car, grab our things, put it in the hotel room, then head back out to get some food. My stomach begins to rumble and Aviana and I walk back to the car.

"There's a monster in your belly" Aviana laughs as my stomach begins to rumble again.

"Yeah and it's going to get you!!" I say chasing her to the car. I finally catch up to her, pick her up, and tickle her.

"Sky stop!!!"

"What's the magic wooooord?"

"Fried chicken" close enough. I set her in her car seat and buckle her in. I climb into the drivers seat, start the car, and turn on the radio.



"Where do you want to eat?"


"Good choice." I knew she had a piece of me in her.

We enter Wendy's and order our food. After, we find some seats and eat. We finish eating and throw our trash away. I load Avi in the car again and head back to the hotel. We get to our hotel room and it's 11:00 pm.

"Omg Avi I need to put you to bed!" I exclaim because I didn't realize how late it was. I put Aviana in her pjs and laid her down in the bed.

"Wait Sky. Can you sing me a song?"

"Sure" I say grabbing my guitar. "What song do you want?"

"How Far I'll Go from Moana!!!" She says happily. We had just gone to see Moana a few days ago and she's obsessed. I mean, I am too but.......

"I've been staring at the edge of the water
'Long as I can remember, never really knowing why
I wish I could be the perfect daughter
But I come back to the water, no matter how hard I try

Every turn I take, every trail I track
Every path I make, every road leads back
To the place I know, where I cannot go
Where I long to be

See the line where the sky meets the sea? It calls me
And no one knows, how far it goes
If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me
One day I'll know, if I go there's just no telling how far I'll go" I continue to sing as she drifts off to sleep. I put my guitar down and change into my pajamas than lay down beside her. I bring to play with her light brown curly hair.

I can remember the moment she was born. Which is saying a lot because it was 5 years ago. Sure she is my sister, but I'm more like a mom to her. My father died a few months before she was born in a car crash. I miss him so much and I feel bad for Avi because she never had a father figure in her life. My mom never did anything for she and I. I have to provide for the both of us. I worked 3 retail jobs in order to survive. My dad wrote his will out to me so I can pay for college and an apartment. Yes, my father was very wealthy which is why I can actually move to LA with Aviana.

I begin to drift to sleep as I think about my father.


Hello everyone!! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my book "Beach Babes." I promise Sammy will be introduce soon! Sorry if there are any grammatical errors. I'm going to go back and correct them later because I'm lazy now.

Oh yeah I forgot! HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I hope y'all start 2017 off with a bang! If you have any questions, let me know!

Thanks for reading!! -Abbie :)

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