♥01♥ Of nostalgia and chocolate chip pancakes

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"Eh?" She looked over her shoulder to find nobody. Why did she hear Kasamatsu's voice? 

"Um, "Hisui-san?" 

"Eh? Ah! I think he is very cool! I think I will fall in love with him even though he hits me!" 

"What the?!" Even if he had a girlfriend, Kasamatsu Yukio still launched painful hits?! How could he do such a thing?! Kise will have to have a word with Kasamatsu about this! "I just realized something..." Kise pointed at Hisui's tail, "How are you moving that?" 

"This?" She let her tail move side to side, "Like this." 

"Uh...where is it attached?" 

"Right here." She stood up, turned herself around, and lift her shirt up to reveal her tail which extended down from the base of her back, "See? My tail is right here."  

"I'm home. Hisui-" Kasamatsu walked in to find Hisui's naked butt and tail, and an astonished Kise Ryouta with his mouth dropped open upon seeing a real life tail on a human being! 


Kise didn't get a chance to explain himself because he was already knocked out by Kasamatsu...


When Kise woke up, he was tied up on the floor with a piece of cloth wrapped shoved into his mouth. 

"Mmph!" Kise was starting to panic! What will Kasamatsu do to him?! He's too young to end his life here! He still hadn't played enough basketball with Kuroko or Kagami! He couldn't just up and die here! 

"Hisui, why did you think it's okay to open the door when I am not here?" Kasamatsu was sat on the sofa while Hisui was sat on her knees from the floor. The way Kasamatsu was having a go at her, it looked like a Father lecturing a naughty daughter. 

"Kise got food-"

"Use your common sense! It's dangerous! I could have had some stuff stolen! Heck, you could have got hurt!" 

"...I'm sorry." 

"Geez!" He closed his eyes and rubbed his head to get rid of the headache but it didn't seem to want to go away. He opened one eye to see to see Hisui was cutely rubbing her cheek against his knee. 

"Please don't be mad, I'm sorry..." She's looking very teary and guilty. 

"Have you learnt your lesson?" 


"Then don't do that again. If I am not here, don't just open the door." Kasamatsu didn't know why but he ended up stroking near the ears on her head. When he did that, he could hear her purr. "Good, good..." He then looked at Kise with a stone cold expression; how should he deal with the blonde? What if he tattled on Hisui's identity? Kise could potentially end up putting Hisui's life at risk! He needed to do something about him! He removed Kise's cloth and allowed him to speak. 

"Kasamatsu-senpai's smile look so peaceful-" Kise wondered why the moment he said that, Kasamatsu's death glare became a thousand times scarier! 



"Hisui...seems to be a cross between a human and a cat." 

"I can tell that much by now!" 

"What you see here stays here...got that? If I plan to hide a dead body, I will do it. And I can do it without getting caught."

"S-Senpai, your face is so scary, please tone it down, tone it down..." 

♥Warmth♥Kasamatsu Yukio♥KnB♥AU♥Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin