School Crush

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Request: Hey, I was wondering if you were able to do an imagine with Peter Parker x reader where the reader only ever hangs out and is friends with girls but starts developing a huge crush with peter while doing a project together? Can the reader be really shy and introverted and a huge nerd? PS I loved your first Peter Parker imagine you did

A/N: Geez... If you're talking about the first Peter Parker imagine I did, that must mean this one is wayyy overdue. Hope you like this one, sorry it took me so long! ALSO, my undereducated (my fault), dumb North-European self had no idea if this is the kind of subject people do projects in school OR if all the little info I made the reader say is like common knowledge in there. So excuse me and the school system we have i here. We don't learn about inventors that much. No requests for a second part, please.

Warnings: "third base" is mentioned once, some (harmless) name-calling between friends

"Oh, no," you whispered underneath your breath as you placed your head in your hands. "I can't believe this is happening," you muttered against your palms in distress. "My life is over."

"Y/N, it's just one project," one of your friends groaned from beside you. She pulled your hands away from your face. "It'll be over in a week, stop being dramatic."

"But the teacher is going to assign the partners!" You said, turning to your friend. "You know I'm super shy and—"

"Wait until you know who your partner is, then complain, please."


"Alright, class... I'll just put you in pairs," the teacher said before he started calling out the names of the students. Miraculously two of your friends got to be each other's partners which meant that you definitely would have to be paired up with someone who you didn't know and that terrified you.

You fiddled with your fingers and chewed on your bottom lip, waiting for the teacher to say your name. You tensed up when you heard her call your name and sighed as you heard Peter Parker's name follow yours. You turned on your seat to look behind you and looked for him. He was sitting far back and as you set your eyes on him, he gave you a tight lipped smile. You quickly turned back to look at the teacher and waited until he had gone through the list.

"Alright, I'd like for you to sit with your partners and I'll come give you your topics."

You looked back at Peter again and saw that there was a free seat next to his. You heaved a sigh and stood up, gathering your things before going over to sit beside him, giving him a small smile.

"Hi," he said quietly.

"Hi," you replied as you sat down beside him. You turned to look ahead of you and the silence between the two of you became quite uncomfortable.

Gladly the teacher came by the two of you quickly and handed you your subject. Everyone was given a certain scientist and/or inventor to make a slide show off. The pairs had a little over a week to finish the slide show. After that, you'd have to orally present it in front of the class.

The presentation and the whole working with a partner thing made you anxious, the bad kind. You looked down at your lap, fiddling with your fingers. You were taking deep breaths to cal, yourself down, already feeling nervousness creeping up.

"Thomas Edison..." You heard Peter mutter quietly. You lifted your head up and looked at the paper on the desk, seeing the name Thomas Edison written in large font at the top with some instruction on what to write down on the slides.

"Also known as the Wizard of Menlo Park," you muttered to yourself.


"Nothing," you answered, shaking your head slightly. "Uhm, I think we should probably start with putting down some basic info—"

Peter Parker ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now