I has been tagged #4

39 3 15


You can thank greece45321

I have to put Rules?:

1) You have to put 5 rules

2) Say 5 things about yourself

3) Make a chapter not in comments

4) You have to post this is 2 weeks

5)Tag more then 10 people

Alright! Lets go!



In real life I act exactly like Allen (2P! America). What its true, i am the same. Besides the Vegetarian thing. I am a social vegan though, I avoid meet.


I am obsessed with the lovely and psychopathic 2p's! So I naturally watch AMV's of them. I have no regrets.


My top 3 favorite 2Ps in order are:

1) Luciano (2P! Italy)

2) Allen (2P! America)

3) Matt (2P! Canada)


I am known to be a very violent person. I got in trouble for having a baseball bat in school. It wasn't even mine but i got in trouble just because i almost hit a person. Thats not that bad man.


I have an unhealthy obsession with pandas. I am not kidding i have like 5 panda plashes on my bed and i have a FUCKING HUGE ONE! I AM NOT KIDDING! ITS HUGE!



1) bossrot

2) kiki_hemmings

3) Ace-Sniper911

4) HumansLastHope

5) Aph_Tokyo_Japan

6) @2p_NyoIreland

7) who_r_u_Im_Canada

8) __ItsReiner__

9) IAmLadyAndor

10) APH_Stockholm

11) lovecreepypastax

12) nerdymad0911

13) StopItAllen

14) ArwenSenpai

15) @kitkatkid123

BOOM! Your welcome!

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