Bella Nott

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-Hayden's PoV-

I was able to slip back inside the castle without too much notice, not only because I knew Hogwarts and it's hidden passageways like the back of my hand, but because I had developed the skill of sneaking and lurking around unnoticed over the years.

By the time I'd made it down to the Slytherin common room, everyone had returned from dinner and was either getting ready for bed or was in bed and asleep already (Slytherin house wasn't really known for being in bed when they were supposed to). Not that I minded missing dinner, I wasn't that hungry really.

I kept a neutral expression on my face, but inwardly smiled in contentment as I let my eyes wander around the Slytherin common room: I really had missed this place. The high ceilings, forest green curtains, and transparent windows looking out into the Black Lake may not scream "home" to some, but it was home to me.

A couple of the other sixth and seventh-years hung out around the fireplace, striking up conversations and making low-key mischief as usual. There was even a small first-year girl with the group, which was a surprise, yet at the same time no surprise knowing Dean and his shenanigans, but other than that everyone was in bed asleep.

I walked up to the small group, recognizing Dean easily.

"Late as usual I see!" Dean snickered as I walked up.

The rest of the group echoed him with other greetings and snickers, apart from the confused and shy little first-year girl.

I casually leaned over the back of the couch with a smirk. "Did you expect anything less?"

One of the girls in the group giggled rather loudly.

That caught my attention quickly.

I glanced over at her and gave her a one over. She had dark brown almost black hair and sterling silver eyes, and was a skinny thing, I'd seen her around the school but I couldn't place a name.

See I mostly stuck to Dean, although Dean was quite the ladies man and social type, I was not, or just slightly less so. All of this was other than the usual messing around with girls and stuff, but that was different than kindness and humbleness and all that useless stuff.

The look she gave me once I met her eyes screamed "I totally have a crush on you but it's not like I'll ever tell you," which resulted in a smirk from me as soon as I caught it.

I took a seat with the group, generally chatting and occasionally flirting with the silver-eyed girl: she ate up every bit of it.

This girl will be an easy one.

Yet, I wasn't as up for it that night as I usually would be.

I stayed for a couple more minutes before taking my leave to go unpack my trunk, Dean staying behind to continue socializing.

As I left to make my way up the stairs to the boy's dormitories, I felt a pair of eyes on my back. I glanced back and found the pale blue eyes of the first-year girl peeking out from one of the sofas, staring at me.

I was used to stares from the younger Slytherin students on a day to day basis, I am a Malfoy after all and I'm known to get back from my wanderings pretty late at night, but it wasn't like they wouldn't get used to me showing up past midnight, so I knew nothing would be said about it.

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