Chapter 2

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2 - Charlotte

“They’re dead!” Abe yelled as he paced the room, “I needed them Charlotte, or have you forgotten that we are under the threat of extinction?” his glare was so icy it made me shiver, no matter if I was a vampire or not.

I was sitting in his office on one of the black leather chairs, they were insanely comfortable but I couldn’t show him that I was enjoying being in here. I wasn’t quite in his good books at the moment, I had let some slayers get away but they were long gone by the time I had gotten there, the only car with people in it had been in the parking lot containing two young teenagers, and they were definitely too young to take out nearly sworn vampires.

“Abe,” I said calmly, “we were there as quick as possible, but they were all dead, there was no chance at reviving them”. I stood up and walked up to him, head held high. “I’m sincerely sorry Abe, there was nothing we could do and if you will remember correctly it is a big loss for me too”. I could see him tense up as he remembered that I had mentored one of the young girls who had been murdered.

“Yes, I remember Charlotte”, he sat down in the chair next to where I had been sitting and pulled out a cigar. “I am sorry, we should not worry over the dead, they are gone and no matter how much of a loss it has been, there will be more.” A cloud of smoke started to settle around the room and I tried my hardest not to cough as I breathed it in.

“Well”, I started to head for the door, “if you will excuse me”. He waved goodbye and I exited the room, glad to be able to breathe in smokeless air. One of Abe’s maids scurried past with a pile of fresh sheets. Who could she be preparing a room for? I didn’t even know someone was visiting.

“Henrietta.” The old maid turned and faced me, the fear in her eyes showed clearly, as she thought I was going to feed from her as Abe often did. She was a small, weak, beautiful lady and that’s exactly how Abe liked them.

“Yes?” she replied.

“Who are you preparing the room for?” I asked. She looked at me surprised that I didn’t already know.

“Mr. Horus”. Horus? It could not be. Theodore Horus was one of the most important vampires in the world. Something must be wrong if he was visiting. I hadn’t seen Theodore in ages, and it wasn’t on a social visit. Whenever Horus visited it was usually to discuss important business. I stood there trying to think of a reason for him to visit. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I realized the maid was still standing there,

“Thank you Henrietta. That will be all”.


The den was filled with my fellow vampires talking and taking sips from blood filled wine glasses. As I walked into the room I plucked a glass off the waiter’s tray. I took a seat in front of the fire and glanced around the room, looking for anyone I knew.

“Ah, if it isn’t miss Charlotte”, I turned to look at the man. I studied the familiar face, his hair was as black as a crow’s feather and his face was unbelievably handsome.

“Nice to see you again Theodore”, I sighed as the blood slid down my throat. That was the way I like my blood, straight from a blood bank, warmed to perfection.

Drinking from a victim didn’t do anything for me, when you bit their neck microscopic bits of skin would stick to your fangs. Some vampires thought the skin was something to enjoy, a delicacy, but to me it was disgusting and feral. 

Theodore grabbed a glass of O Negative from a passing waiter and took a seat next to me, “Long time, and no see”.

    “I’m guessing you’re not here for personal visit?” I inquired. He took a sip of his own glass and smiled down at me, his fangs gleaming in the firelight.

“Unfortunately no, not this time anyway”, he smirked, “I am here to attend a meeting with Abe and a few other Elder’s about a new threat to our kind”. He talked about it as if the meetings were a load of rubbish, and it made me smile at his carelessness.

“But enough about that, my dear. How are you these days?” He leaned back into the seat and rested his hand lightly on mine, I ignored it. Theodore wasn’t my type. It wasn’t that I didn’t find him attractive, gosh I did! He was one of the most attractive vampires I had ever met. It was just that he had a reputation of being do they say it nowadays? A player.

“I’ve been well. The girl I mentored was murdered this morning, but other than that...” I gulped down the rest of my drink and stood up, taking my hand from his. I placed my glass on the coffee table next to the lounge, “I’m sorry, I have some business to take care of. Nice to see you again Theodore”, and with that I left the room.


 It was a long drive to the address I had gotten from my private investigator, but the sun was long gone so it was a pleasant.All the way there I thought of a way I could talk to the girl, I didn’t want to scare her, just talk and tell her the things she needed to know about her family and the legacy. I decided to just walk up to the door and knock, it was normal and she wouldn’t suspect that I well, wasn’t normal. 

I drove onto a dirt track and decided to leave my car on the side of the road. The car was brand new. I didn’t want any rocks chipping the paint, Abe wouldn’t be happy about that and I didn’t want him in a worse mood than he was in already. I ran up to the building, it was a quaint, brick house, it seemed familiar, like an old memory I just couldn’t remember clearly. I walked up to the house, the small details becoming even clearer in my vampire eyesight.

No! My eyes widened in horror. It couldn’t be the house. Anywhere but here! I snatched my hand away from the door like something had burned my fingers and ran as quickly as I could around the back. There was a light on and people sitting at a table eating dinner. There was a girl staring out one of the windows, I ran further into the shadows and studied her.

Yes, it was her. She looked so much like her father. Her face was like a female version of his, full lips, small nose and large green eyes. She was almost an exact replica of him except she had her mother’s fire red hair.

There was a small growl coming from one of the mutts near the house and her eyes locked onto me. I was almost tempted to walk out of the shadows and to come talk to her, but now that I knew where she was and who she probably was I wasn’t going to risk being captured, I ran as fast as I could (which basically made me invisible) and leapt into the car, slamming the door as I went. I didn’t care if they heard the car. They wouldn’t think twice about a car driving down the road. As I drove away in the light of the full moon, I absentmindedly rubbed the scar on my face. 


So that's the first 2 chapters. I'll be uploading 2 chapters every week. :)

I really hope you liked them and please leave some feedback, I appreciate every word and second you take out of your time!

Also if you liked it please tell your friends about it, I would really love it if you did

'Till next time xx 

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