
"It's okay."

"But Nathan is only seven."

"He may be young but he is very mature for his age. Trust me,children notice these things and get effected by them. Don't underestimate them."

Kathy nodded her head slowly as if to take in what she just heard.

"Don't tire your head with our problems,we're only asking you to take care of Adam."

"And I will,I promise I'll try to do everything I can to keep him happy."

"And that's what is needed. You can go now,if you want."


Kathy went upstairs. All day,my mind was thinking about Claire. I wonder where did she go? I stayed in my office all day long trying to keep myself busy with work but I was soon done and then returned to my endless thoughts.

3:07 pm. The clock read and Claire still hadn't come back. Nathan hadn't came out of his room every since the fight so I went upstairs to his room to check on him. I knocked on his door but no answer came. I entered after a while and looked around but I didn't see him. I approached his bed and saw Adam under the sheets.

"Nate?" I whispered.

"Go away." he mumbled.

"We have to talk about what happened."

"I don't want to talk about what happened."

"I want to."

"Please,Ang just go away."

"I told you already,that I won't."

He looked at me and sat up straight.

"I know that we weren't able to be around before and that there were these times we've neglacted you,but we never ever stopped thinking about or stopped loving you for a mere second,especially your mom. She loves you."

"Then why is she always leaving?"

"If she didn't work she wouldn't be able to get you food to eat or keep you in school or bring you toys to play with."

"But I want her."

"And she wants you that's why she's working. You won't understand how things work but when you grow up you will realize that everything she had done was for you. Hiring a nanny doesn't mean she doesn't love you. Claire wants to spend all day with you but she can't,and you should understand that."

Nathan stayed silent.

"Do you think she's mad at me?" he asked.

"She couldn't even if she wanted to."

He didn't speak.

"Are you hungry?" I asked.


"You still haven't eaten anything. Come on,I'll make you lunch."

We went downstairs and I prepared spaghetti so he can eat. He ate his plate in silence as I watched him.

"Are you ready to meet the nanny now?" I asked.

After thinking for a while,Nate nodded his head.

I called Katherine. She entered the kitchen and looked at Adam.

"Hello,Nathan." she smiled at him.
Adam just stared at her.

"This is Katherine,your nanny." I introduced.

"Hello Katherine." he greeted quietly.

"You can call me Kathy."

The boy continued to stare at her.

"Well,Kathy there's spaghetti if you're hungry." I said.

"Thank you Ms Morr."

"Call me if you need anything."

I went to my office and decided to call Dylan.

The phone rang twice before he picked it up.

"Hello,angel." he said sounding happy.

Hearing his voice made me feel a little better.

"Hey Dylan."

"What's wrong?"

"Claire and Nate had a fight because of the nanny thing which lead Claire to leave."

"Where did she go?"

"I don't know,she said she'll return when she feels better. She had never done this before."

"Do you want me to come over?"

"You don't have to,if you don't want."

"I'll be right over." he said and then hung up.

Half an hour later,Dylan was outside,knocking on the door. I greeted him and we went to the living room to sit.

"I'm so worried about her,she had never done this before." I said.

"She needs a break from everything,Angela."

"Yeah but Claire has gone out for hours. She hasn't even called,yet."

"I'm sure she'll come back later in the evening,she'll come back for Nate."

"I hope you're right."

"Come on stop worrying,Claire is an adult and she can take care of herself." he said and then kissed my forehead.

"Yeah I know."

"Where's Nathan,anyways?"

"He's upstairs. I introduced him to the Kathy."

"The new nanny?"


"And how did things go?"

"Okay,I talked to him and all and he accepted it."

"That's good." Dylan knows what Claire and I had gone through before becoming rich and how we had to neglact at certain times Adam,to work,and the chronical apartment moving. He practically knows everything about my selected family except how Claire got pregnant with her son.

"Do you want to drink or eat anything?" I asked.

"No,I'm fine."

Nathan came downstairs after sometime.

"Angy,is mom home yet?" the little boy asked.

"No,but she'll come back soon." I replied.

"Oh okay." he said disappointed.

"Hey buddy." Dylan greeted.

"Hello Dylan."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

I looked at Nathan "fine" is clearly not what he's feeling now. It is ironic how we use this word when we are at our weakest or saddest as if to hide our emotions and feelings behind this tiny word. Fine,these days,holds several meanings beyond it's own;I'm not okay or nothing is going as I've planned or that I'm really tired of everything and I need a break. If we don't feel fine at all then why do we say this word? Maybe because it's easier to just say that we're doing okay than to explain why aren't we fine.

"You know? It's quite a hot day today,don't you think?" Dylan asked the little boy.

"Yeah I guess." Nate replied unintrested in a weather conversation.

"Well on hot days like this,the best thing to do so you can cool down a bit is by eating some icecream."

"Yeah,icecream will be great now. Don't you think so Nathan?" I said playing along in attempt to lighten up the boy's mood a little bit.

"Yeah it would be good. I think I'll go upstairs to my room,now." he said and then quietly walked the stairs.

I sighed as I watched him leave. Claire I really hope you are planning to come back anytime soon.

"He's really attached to his mother." Dylan commented.

"More than you think."

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