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~ Brand New Colony

Summary: Twinkies, sliced peaches in heavy syrup, and the sweet scent of destiny.


Patrick and Pete are skipping their fourth period classes (Gym and American History respectively) and Patrick doesn't usually do that-- it's always more trouble than it's worth-- but Pete promises to get Patrick as much of anything caffeinated that can be bought for under twenty dollars, and Patrick figures that's fair enough.

They end up sprawled out on the ground under the bleachers together. The sparse grass prickles and itches Patrick's arm where they're pillowed under his head. Pete's head, in turn, is pillowed on Patrick's left thigh and Patrick's leg is starting to go numb. He wiggles his toes trying to get rid of the pins and needles sensation and doesn't tell Pete to move.


~Starless City

Word count: 650

Summary: It's hard to stay for someone who doesn't want to leave.


As far back as Pete can remember, even if it isn't that far, there's been the bathhouse, and there's been Patrick. It's routine and mundane, each day as repetitive as the last, and he thinks there’s nowhere else he’d rather be, nowhere else as predictable and safe. Nowhere else that feels as blunted and soft as this place, where Pete can walk down the halls with Patrick next to him, where he can smile and ignore the rattling in his pockets, like candy in a box or pills in a bottle.


~Angel Pumping Gas

Word count: 618

Summary:Angel pumping gas, why won't this moment last? It's fate my life has brought me here today. Soon I'll be on my way, though I wish that I could stay…


"Hey! Band Bitch! It's your turn to get the gas!"

"Pete, his name is Joe, and he just got the gas... You know, last time, when you were flirting with the manager's daughter?" Timothy sighed patiently.

Pete was too busy arguing with his bandmates to see the figure that walked up to him, waiting patiently by the door. "Excuse me, sir. What can I do for you?" 

The sweet voice belonged to a short boy, barely able to look into the dirty driver's side window of the crappy van. He had long red-blonde hair, a red and white baseball cap that had the gas station's logo on it covering most of the fine hair that framed his soft face, his blue eyes appearing deeper in the shadow of the brim. He wore a black t-shirt that hugged his stomach and read "Morgan's Fuel Service" on the back, and blue jeans that were obviously too big for him, his red Converse peeking out from under the hems. Pete's loud, stupid laugh was silenced as he saw the boy, the overconfident older man barely managing to stutter out "Unleaded fuel."


~Mortality Rate Zero

Summary: Pete and Patrick are going to live forever.


Pete and Patrick are going to live forever. 

It’s the only logical solution, really. Pete doesn’t want to live a single moment without Patrick, and when he tells Patrick that he wants to die exactly one day before him so he wouldn’t have to, Patrick looks at him with wounded eyes. 

“That’s so selfish,” he says, pulling his legs away from Pete and into himself. “Why do I have to be the one left behind?”

Pete crawls across the couch and tries to get Patrick to open up again. “It’d only be for a day,” he reasons, but now that he’s thinking about it, he realizes that he’d rather lose Patrick than have him hurt for even a single day. “How about we both just don’t die?” He finally succeeds in tugging Patrick’s knees away from his chest, and clumsily crawls into his lap.



Summary: Patrick is standing outside his bedroom door waiting for Pete to kiss him.


The sunshine is filtering through a window in the hallway and it's funny really how sunshine looks different in winter. It's a different color, a different clarity. A different feel altogether. In the summer you are almost trying to escape from the sun, trying to find relief. In the winter you get down and beg for it.

And he didn't mean to think that in a dirty way. Honestly. It's just that he can't help it because he's- well, he's waiting here for something to happen. Something special, something unique. Something he's never had before and it's going to be-

Well, he's not really sure what it's going to be because he's never had anything like it. So how can you describe what you've never had? If it was Pete, it would be different. If it was Pete, he would know all the right words and he would write them all down and make poetry out of uncertainty.


~The Game

Word count: 564

Summary: A tiny little Peterick about how Pete and Patrick are the sneakiest secret keepers...almost xD


Me and Patrick had always been together.

Well, almost.

We'd hooked up while recording From Under The Cork Tree after confessing our undying love to one another.

Regardless, we had never had anything to worry about. We were star-crossed lovers, but nobody knew.

It was our dirty little secret that we were experts at keeping. It was amazing that neither Joe nor Andy had figured it out yet.

Patrick and I were so sneaky about our public display of affection that not one soul even suspected us.


A/N: G stories are HARD to find!! Anyway, here's the few I found :)


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