You Discuss Having A Baby

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"I can't wait for all these things to happen darling." You paused the film and kissed his lip, offering him a glass of wine.

"Are you not drinking?" He asked you. You quickly came up with an answer in your head, so he didn't get suspicious.

"No, I'm alright on the fizzy tonight, just for work tomorrow." He didn't seemed to fussed and just kissed you taking a sip from his drink.

Randy Orton - You, Randy and his daughter were playing with her dolls in front of the TV which was playing out Disney movies. She was so engrossed in what she was doing, and you and Randy weren't too shabby at playing along. "How long do I have to wait until my brother or sister comes?" Shea asked, making you jump. You looked to Randy for a response.

"Well, me and Y/N haven't made one yet, but we will one day, I promise you sweetheart." She told her putting her mind at ease. "I mean, we'll be having one one day, won't we?" He was unsure as to whether you wanted one to, little did he know you already did.

Brock Lesnar - You were sat decorating the Christmas tree all of you, as the three kids fought for which bauble they wanted where. Brock was stood up beside you, an arm wrapped around your waist. "Do you ever think we'll have another?" You asked him, intrigued by whether the baby you were carrying would be wanted by one parent or two.

"I'm happy with the three we have, but I certainly wouldn't say no to another. What makes you ask?" You felt a tear surface as you looked and reflected on how beautiful and smart your kids had turned out to be.

"I'm just wondering. Just having a moment about how grown up ours are now." He kissed the top of your head, as you tried not to laugh at how unassuming Brock was to what you were saying.

Dolph Ziggler - "Don't you think we're going to have the luckiest children in the world." Dolph asked you out of the blue. It was slightly unexpected as you sat in catering whilst at work.

"Where did that come from?" You asked surprised why he asked you that suddenly. You panicked that he knew and that he'd found your test.

"Nowhere, I was just thinking about our future babies and how lucky they would be to have us as there parents, and how much of an amazing house and family they'd be brought into. Never mind how they'd be little heart breakers when they grow up."

Jey Uso - "How far gone is your sister now?" Jey asked as you planned to go and visit her this afternoon.

"She's five months gone now. Over halfway." It was crazy how the time flew by whilst she was pregnant, and you knew it was going to be exactly the same for you, only you'd carry your baby with a bit more guilt.

"I can't wait until she comes and visits us when your pregnant. Obviously I would wait until your ready for children but when we do have kids it's going to be such an amazing journey and experience for the both of us to share." You were wracked with guilt at how he was excited about the thought of being a father, knowing that although you'd welcome a baby soon you could never guarantee that it was his. He wanted a little kid, and knowing that he may have to bring up one that wasn't his own would destroy the both of you, and maybe your relationship.

Jimmy Uso - "What would you like our family to be like?" You and Jimmy were sat on the sofa wrapped up watching something random on the TV. You weren't paying much focus to the programme as it didn't interest you too much.

"Well I mean I know we're planning now, but I'd like maybe four, and for them all to have the best upbringing and to know all about their history and their ancestors and all the hard work they've done for them to be here when they arrive one day." You couldn't help but look at him admiring his features and smile. You always hoped your newborn would look like him.

"That's so sweet and adorable babe." You told him, cuddling into his side deeper if that was even possible, as he rested a hand on your stomach.

John Cena - "Why do we really live in such a big house John? I mean we could just donate to charity or something instead of living such a luxurious lifestyle." You were having one of your deep thought moments which had become quite a regular occurrence.

"Well if we have children, I'd like to think we have enough space to give them the best life they could possibly have, but keep them grounded too." You sat on one of the many stools surrounding the breakfast bar, as John prepared some lunch.

"First of all, when we have children," you clarified, "but I guess that's a good enough reason, just this once." You walked up to him, pecking his lips, before opening your phone back up to look at maternity clothes.

Kane - "Don't you think it's crazy how all your dreams have come true babe?" You were out with Kane celebrating your twenty sixth year of marriage at the bar you met at.

"All but one of them has. I'm still not a father just yet." You found it adorable after all these years he still hung onto his one true dream of becoming a father and teaching his child his craft. "And I know what you're thinking is I'm a bit old now, but I don't think it's too late."

"It's never too late handsome, we've still got all the time in the world in my eyes." You moved over onto his lap, giving you a cuddle. "You'll never be too old for me." You told him lovingly, kissing him like you were sixteen again.

Xavier Woods - Playing games was the both of yours first love, other then each other. "You know one day I might love our child more then I actually love this game."

"So we're having a child are we? I mean you don't have to carry it around do you." You paused the game, turning around on the beanbag to look straight at his gorgeous face.

"Well there is that, but I want a kid with you, so maybe one day when we are both fully prepared you'll be alright to carry s child with my help and support, and our families of course." You kissed his lips, pressing play without him knowing so you could get a slight advantage over him.

"How dare you!" He teased, as you gave him a cheeky smirk. "Don't give me that look."

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