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I'm sitting by the window and Brennan is sitting next to me. No one is sitting next to Brennan yet, but there is still lots of people boarding the plane. I feel really unwell, so I start to fall asleep.

"Why are you sitting here?", I here Brennan ask someone.

I open my eyes and look up, expecting to see someone, Liv in fact. Thankfully it's not, it's Luke. Sydney's twin brother.

"Your mum and my mum gave Katie and I tickets to the Bahamas too!", Luke says.

Luke and Katie are a thing? I think to myself.

We start to take off and I already feel really nauseous. I didn't feel this bad with the other kids.

"Brennan, I don't feel too good", I say while resting my head on his shoulder.
He rubs my back and kisses me on the forehead.

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