The young blonde girl shook her head, reading it closely. "Yeah, but it also said you need headshots which cost a shit ton of money. . .and did you say agent? Pretty sure they're not free." Maja reminded her sister.

"Well, I pay the agent in something other than money. . ." Lynnea said simply, which caused Maja to gag, understanding what she was getting at. Okay, she did not need that visual. "And the headshots, I just used a little bit of the rent money to pay for them -- we'll call it a loan."

"You used the rent money to pay for your headshots?!" Maja exclaimed.

"It was only like 200 kroner." Lynnea shrugged. "Besides, it's a small price to pay to jump start my modelling career."

Maja blinked, suddenly realizing what this was all about. Lynnea had always wanted to be a model. . .but never had the chance due to their parents being literal shit. Lynnea would do anything to become a model, even if it meant modelling in some guys basement. Maja shut her eyes for a moment, thinking of what they could do.

Once she opened her eyes, she handed the paper back to her sister and ran some fingers through her curls. "I just. . .I don't know Lynnea. Let's say you don't get the modelling gig — what are we going to do then?"

Lynnea just laughed, rolled her eyes like the idea was ludicrous, and threw an arm around her sister. "Oh Maja, sweet, innocent, Maja." Maja squirmed, she hated when Lynnea treated her like a child. Lynnea shook her head, laughing smugly. "I'm going to get that gig, so we don't have to worry at all."



maja: hey evs, is jonas still mad you for ditching him and going to the party??

eva: he's a little upset but he'll get over it

eva: he just wanted to meet my mum, thats all

eva: but enough about me: lets talk about you. hows your day going?

maja: i've had better...

maja: let me put it this way: my sister and i could be homeless in a month and her great idea is to fix it by modelling

maja: but, you know, not trying to put a damper on the mood

eva: aw hun i'm so sorry :-(((


"hallo eva?"

"hey maja. figured it was easier to talk than text."

"yeah, you're probably right."

"i'm sorry about your apartment. if there is anything you need just let me know."

"thanks. it means a lot."

"can we talk about something else though? i need to get my mind off the situation."

"okay. lets talk chris schistad."


"oh come on maja. he was totally flirting with you at the party."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2018 ⏰

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