Chapter Two

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Friday 5 November 2010.


What happened?

What have I done that made this day so counter-productive?

Well, what have I NOT done today?

First off, lemme take back to the very beginning of this, starting Monday:

· I got thrown in detention all because Ryan Geoffrey and his faggot friends tricked me into vandalize the school's bins. I spent my first day doing nothing but written work for 8-10 hours straight, my head was so tired I couldn't have a full conversation with my mum. My tutor at the time was Mr. Harris; he was much of a stubborn prick than the headmaster, Mr. Gallagher

· Tuesday couldn't get any better until the moment my life changed forever: a giant psycho killer walked in with a sledgehammer and bashed Mr. Harris' brains out! The weird thing about him was he was wearing a Boothwood School uniform similar to mine: the main colours of the school's uniform are burgundy, green, black and white

· I ran out to warn Mr. Gallagher about this and had him to ring the police and announce the school that we were in danger. Just as the police arrived, they went in the crime scene to find nothing there! I ran in to find that the killer not only took his body away but he cleaned the blood and brains off the walls and the floor near his desk!

· Mr. Gallagher took one look at me, ordered me back in the room and stay there until I was allowed to leave! Before I left, he gave me a firm warning that he will tell my mum and suspend me if I do any shit like that again

· My best friend Zara Brown, the most popular girl in class, was totally into me a lot so I invited her over to my house for dinner with Mum and me. Because Mum knew I was best friends with her, she got along with Zara very well, which was a big surprise for me

· Next day in detention, Mr. Pauley and Mr. Dixon didn't show up, and I'm sitting in detention to keep my mouth shut about yesterday's "prank" and move on. Next thing I know, I'm getting stalked by the school uniform stranger

· Mum went out of the house for the night so I invited my mate Zara over for some pizza and cider. But it turns out, she wanted more than having pizza and cider with me, she wanted to have sex with me. I did NOT saw that one coming but it was a lot of fun for me

· The day after an awesome night, I rescued Zara from the "Star Pupil" just as he killed Mr. Seville, another caretaker. The guy then chased us into the woods only for Mr. Gallagher to save us. Instead of being our heroes, he remained ignorant of the situation and suspended me on the spot

· I was about to abandon all hope until Zara managed to give me some clues to find out who the killer was after next. We tracked down our killer's next victim to his private home just outside Belfast. The guy's name was Seamus Keith and he told us a story about Mr. Gallagher and his caretakers. One that I will NEVER forget:

· They sat up a young vulnerable boy for whatever reason and killed him like if they were barbarians! The boy's name was Charles Irvine and it was rumored that he may have risen from the dead to hunt down his murderers. Zara and I were left gobsmacked when we heard about this. We didn't know what kind of man Mr. Gallagher was until now

· Mr. Keith – who did the right thing by not killing the boy but made the selfish thing to leave him die – gave his life to get us out of his house just as Charlie came bursting through the door and murdered the person he used to consider his friend. With no other choice, we decided to follow the fucker to wherever the hell he's hiding in. I'm talking about two 6th year pupils driving in another person's car illegally through the motorway and back into Boothwood town

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