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It was a cold winter day as a family of four played in the park. A mother, a father, a five year old girl and her infant brother.

The five year old girls name was Hannah. She had beautiful light blonde hair hung back in a ponytail, and bright blue eyes. Her skin was slightly pale compared to her parents, and  was only a bit more colourful than the snow around her.

She skipped and played, picking up snow, then dropping it again. Out of the corner of her baby blue eyes, Hannah saw something. She trotted away from her family, and into a small cluster of trees. Before entering, she heard the call of her mother telling her to be careful.

As she entered the small circle of trees, Hannah found what she had seen from a distance.

A small marigold flower, shriveled and nearly dead from the cold weather. Hannah bent down and removed her scarlet glove from her hand, gently touching the once beautiful flower. And then, it did what even five year old Hannah thought was impossible.

It changed. And it spoke.

The flower grew to the size of a man, where its fading yellowish brown petals once were, vibrant yellow hair sprouted. A face formed beneath, and soon a body.

The once pitiful wilted marigold was now an elegant young man.

His eyes were an emerald green, his hair short and wavy. He wore a fancy dark grey suit, with a purple tie just barely sticking out from his jacket.

He glanced around, before his gaze landed on the small girl before him. A sinister grin spread across his face, but the little girl just though he was smiling at her, so she did the same.

"Hello, little girl." He greeted, bowing his head and extending his hand. As if he were a magician, a fully bloomed marigold appeared in his hand. Hannah gasped and giggled softly, taking the beautiful marigold flower from his white gloved hand.

She eyed the marigold, before looking up at the man. "My name is Hannah! What's your name, Mister?" She asked as she tilted her head, causing her ponytail to sway to the side.

"My name is Marigold, my dear."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2017 ⏰

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