Chapter Three

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(Your POV)

Nami squirmed in my purse as we head into the school. I gulped and went inside my classroom. Mr. Agreste had kindly convinced the principle to allow me Adrien's schedule​. The desks had been shifted so Adrien was in-between some other guy and I. When I got in there, it was pretty much full, even though there was still ten minutes until the bell rang. I sat beside Adrien and smiled warmly at him.

"Hey, new dudette! I'm Nino, who are you?" said a the guy to Adrien's right.

I smiled and replied, "I'm (y/n), it's nice to meet you."

"You too, (Y/n)!" He was so enthusiastic. I think we might be good friends.

"Hey (y/n), how are you?" Adrien asked me. But, before I could reply a girl practically threw herself on top of the poor boy.

"Oh, Adrien! I'm so glad you're here! I got a new polish job, do you like the color?" she asked pretty much shoving her bright pink nails in his face.

"U-uh...hey Chloe u-um...oka-okay?" Adrien stuttered.

She squealed and replied happily, "Oh, I knew you'd love them!" She paused and puckered her lips in disgust, taking in the sight known as me. "Who are you?"

I smiled sheepishly. "Oh, I'm (Y/n). I'm new, hi. Are you guys like dating or anything?" (Ignore this next first part of Chloe's response if your name IS Chloe.)

"Okay, three things. Ew, I hate that name! I don't care if your new. And no, technically not, but we pretty much are." Adrien fumed at her sentence right at the begining and didn't even give me a chance to reply until he went into over protective friend mode.

"Okay, three things." he began, mocking her preppy voice. "Her name is beautiful. She's new, don't give her a hard time. She's only been in Paris for a day! And we are no where even near dating, Chloe!" Chloe seemed taken aback at Adrien's angry behaviour. She made a 'hmmph!' noise, stuck her nose in the air, and strutted off. "Sorry about her (y/n), she's always like this to everyone."

I was tempted to say 'except you,' but responded. "It's okay. Thanks for sticking up for me."

He smiled and patted my head. "Anything for you mon petit chaton." That made me straighten my back. How did he know my nickname from my dad for me and...kind of Chat Noir's nickname that I'd given him? Maybe just a really weird coincidence. "Oh that...that means my little kitten, in case you were like, I don't know, offended," he said scratching he back of his neck.

"Oh, I know what it means, it's just that's what my dad calls me that too," I reassured him.

"So, do you not want me to call you that?" he blonde inquired.

I shook my head quickly. "No, no, it's fine!" He chuckled and then the teacher came in.

"Hello class. As you may know already, we have a new student," she motioned towards me. "Please, introduce yourself."

I shifted and slowly stood up. Social anxiety started to kick in as I fidgeted, looking around the room.

"Say something already!" Chloe yelled at me.

I gulped and then said, "Um...h-hello. I'm (y/n) (l/n) and I live with my dad. We moved from (h/t) to Paris for my dad's job opportunity​." I sat back down and Nino and Adrien gave me a thumbs up sign. I looked down and saw Nami giving me a thumbs up sign from my purse too.

When it was time for lunch, I grabbed my stuff and started walking with Adrien and Nino.

"Hey (y/n)!" said the voice that was the last thing I wanted to hear.

"Yes, Chloe?" I said looking at her, smiling against my suspiciously angry behaviour. I could tell I would not like this girl.

"I just wanted to say that here, I'm in charge. Obvious training since I am the mayor's daughter. So I suggest that you don't get on my nerves," she crossed her arms and looked into my soul, if I had one.

"Alright, whatever​ Chloe. I'm just telling you, this tiger has claws too." I made a claw shape with my hands and narrowed my eyes. She rolled her blue orbs and walked off, a redhead girl who looked like her secretary followed her.

"Wow! You handled that really good dudette!" Nino complemented me.

"Thanks!" I smiled as we sat down at a table and began eating our lunches. Two other girls sat down with us pretty soon, but I haven't met them yet.

"Hi, I'm (y/n)," I introduced myself.

"Oh, hey there girl! I'm Alya, what's up?" I shrugged and smiled. She was nice.

"Hi, I'm Marinette," A bluenette said.

We ate our lunch and turns out, Marinette, or as I called her, 'Mari', and Alya are really cool. And they're great friends with Adrien and Nino. Except, Mari is kind of...weird around Adrien. Wonder why?

Then, perfect timing. A table flips over, a kid screams, food is thrown, and then an akumatized person came out. I jumped up and ran into the janitor's closet.

"Nami, stripes on!" (pretty sure it was fangs out, but I'm changing it because I like stripes on better. K? K.) I transformed into Tigress and ran out. Ladybug showed up beside me and soon Chat Noir was there too.

"Hey LB, hey mon petit chaon." I teased. "Aim for the necklace," I said noticing the akumatized object quickly. After quickly defeating the rather weak villian, I still had three dots left.

"Okay, bye guys! See you next time!" LB said jumping away.

"I've got to go too, mon petit chaton," I said, forgetting we were kind of in a lunch room surrounded by students.

"'Til next time, m'lady," He said kissing my hand and running away. I ran off and went back to my normal self. Nami wiggled her eyebrows at me before ducking back into my purse. I rolled my eyes.

I went back into the lunch​ room and saw kids and lunch ladies cleaning up. Mari and Adrien came running behind me.

"Hey, you okay?" Adrien asked me, checking if I had been hurt.

"I'm fine," I smiled at the kind gesture.

"I was hiding in the bathroom," Mari confessed.

"Me too!" Adrien said.

"Oh, I was in the janitor's closet." The two gave me a weird look, but shrugged it off.

"This is so going on the Ladyblog!" Alya squealed as she showed us a new section. It had a picture of Chat Noir kissing Tigress' hand, which honestly made me blush. The article said.

Chat Noir, Ladybug, and new hero Tigress defeated villain in school today. Afterwords, a small flirtatious time was spent between Chat and Tigress. Kissing her hand, the two exchanged some cute nicknames including "Mon petit chaton." Could Chat Noir have feelings for Tigress? Or are the two putting up a show for the shocked students? Who knows?

After reading that with me trying not to blush as much as possible, we went back to eating our lunches best we could, and then headed off to class.


Well...that happened. I had to have you guys meet them all somehow! It was kind of weird...but I like it. Do you guys like the chain of nicknames? Yeah? Okay.

Chat Noir/Adrien x Reader Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin