The Headless Horseman

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Meanwhile, a man named Theo sat outside the museum telling all who would listen about Halloween. "And then Ichabod heard a mysterious laugh and a horse neighing. He turned around and saw....The Headless Horseman!" He read from his book titled: Halloween tales. Of the 4 people actually listening to his story, only two were amused. The children. Their parents rolled their eyes. "Come on Lily, Hugo, let's go." The mother said. The children whined. "Aw but Mommy, we wanted to hear how the story ended!" The father said sternly, "Kids, listen to your mother, we don't need this fool poisoning your minds with his crazy stories." The parents glared at Theo while the kids waved goodbye.
     He sat sadly on the steps and sighed. No one had actually believed him today. Everyone had just called him a fool, they said that no one was gullible enough to fall for his tales. "If only there was a way to make people believe.." He mumbled to himself. Suddenly a dark purple butterfly fluttered by and landed on his storybook. A mask appeared on his face and he heard a man's voice say, "Headless Horseman. No one believes you. I can change that. All you need to do in return is capture two very valuable objects for me. Take Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculouses!" The newly appointed villain nodded his head and an evil grin appeared on his face. "Of course Hawkmoth." A purple mist surrounded him and he was transformed...

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