Sleepless Agression 1

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It had been an exhausting week for all of the boys. They had gone everyday for the
last two weeks with shows every night, interviews, and photo shoots, and meet and greets. The worst part of it was Harry's heat was coming up in the next few weeks and at this rate the boys were worried they would have to sedate him through it as they (including Harry) did not have the energy to get through it.

They boys all started to become more irritable under the stress of their first tour and sleep deprivation. Zayn, who loved his sleep, was the first to snap.
Paul had walked into the boys shared suit where they all sat half asleep at the counter at five in the morning munching on pop tarts and fruit.
"Alright boys!" He said, seemingly unbothered by the lack of sleep. "I'm sorry to have to do this but, I packed up some sandwiches for the road we have another meet and greet scheduled when lunch was supposed to be."
All five of them let out an audible groan.
"Don't give me that attitude-" Paul started.
"WHAT DO YOU EXPECT!" Zayn suddenly yelled scaring everyone half to death. Louis actually fell off his chair suddenly awake. "WE HAVE WORKED MORE HOURS THEN WE SLEEP! We love what we do but we're exhausted. We can't keep going like this with two hours of sleep a night. If I feel like I'm going to pass out I can't even imagine how Harry can still be walking."
The room was silent. Zayn was usually the last to speak out but the lack of sleep was clearly affecting him.
Needless to say, the next day Paul canceled their first morning Interview and got the boys an extra two hours of sleep.
*end flashback*
That was three days ago and the precious sleep seemed to come at a price. Rather then their schedule becoming more reasonable it became more ridiculous leading to Louis and Liam's fight.
*flashback 2*
The concert had just ended and Niall had carried Harry from the couch in their dressing room to the car as he had fallen asleep almost immediately after getting backstage. Niall left with Harry almost a half hour before the car is scheduled to leave because Liam and Louis stared to fight and he knew the yelling would wake their exhausted baby.

Back inside Zayn sat on the middle seat of the couch rubbing his aching head while Liam and Louis screamed at each other.
"I can't believe you knocked Zayn down!" Louis started.
"Well if you acted your age for once instead of spilling your water bottle all over everything!" Liam yelled back.
"Oh! Come off it you self righteous prick! You throw water too!"
"I'm a prick! You fucking asshole! You yelled at Harry today! Harry!"
"You pushed him off of you in the car when he fell asleep on your shoulder!"
"Don't pull that shit with me! You're a terrible alpha you're barley big enough to be more then an omega!"
"What's wrong with being an omega?" A soft voice whimpered from the door.
Harry stood in the door eyes glistening with unshed tears and Niall stood behind him one hand on his waist ready to pull the youngest away. All four alpha's hearts broke at the sight of their mate.
"Aww love!" Louis said.
"There's nothing wrong with being an omega" Liam said in an attempt to be forgiven.
A single tear rolled down his cheek and he turned out of Niall's hold to walk down the hall to the door by the van.
Zayn stood up and said, "the next time you want to use the omega status as an insult remember you're mated to one. And lou...I knocked Liam over when I slipped." He walked out past Niall to find his baby.
Louis and Liam were both crying now.
"Let's get everyone home to sleep." Niall said leading the two tired boys to the van. Where no one spoke for the rest of the night.
*end flashback 2*
The next morning is when all hell broke loose.
*present time*
They boys had left their second interview to go to a pre-show rehearsal and possibly a pre-show nap. When the van pulled up about 20 yards from the doors the boys saw a massive swarm of fans and sucked in a deep breath. Harry was asleep in the passenger seat reclined back and the boys knew that he would struggle through the crowd but he had to do it. He still hasn't talked to Liam or Louis after last nights ordeal. But it was not an undeserved silence. With that last thought Zayn woke Harry up and waited a few minutes for him to gather his bearings.
Harry gave the boys a pleading look as if asking for any other way through. He actually looked close to tears when the car shook under the force of excited fans. Niall grabbed his hand sympathetically knowing full well how bad this situation is as he too is claustrophobic. Harry squeezed back and took a deep shaky breath before allowing Paul to go through the game plan.
"Alright boys, just relax we'll have you inside in minutes I promise." Paul said. "Here's the game plan, Paddy and I are going to walk in the front and back of you guys Andy and Preston on the sides. We are walking you all out at once so Louis and Zayn are in the front then Liam and Niall then Harry. Do you all understand?"

The boys nodded noticing the other three body guards start to clear a path near their door so they could squeeze out.

"Should I climb out through the back" Harry asked when he saw a few girls with their faces smooshed against the passenger side window.

Paul nodded before climbing out to open the door. All the boys took one last deep breath before they were overwhelmed by the sound of screaming girls. They piled out into their pyramid formation Paddy in front Paul right behind Harry who looked ready to crawl back into the van in fear. The position they started in was fairly spread out to command some space for the celebrities. But all the boys knew they would be falling over each other by the time they reached the door.

Paddy had started walking almost immediately as soon as he saw the boys in position. They did fairly well a lot of the girls respected their space especially when seeing the fear on Niall and Harry's faces. But all good things must come to an end.

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