Chapter Sixteen

Start bij het begin

Holding back tears, I lift the ends around my neck and clasp them together. I twirl the tiny horse between my fingers a few times before putting it under my shirt so no one would see. It seems like a good secret to keep to myself and explaining how I received it to my parents doesn’t exactly seem like an enjoyable time for me right now.

Suddenly there’s a knock at my bedroom door and my heart begins to race. Not knowing who it is, I scramble to get the cloth back in Emery’s backpack and zip it up.

“One minute!” I call, trying to sound calm. As quickly as possible I shove Emery’s backpack underneath my bed and place my hands together on my lap. “Come in!”

The door slowly opens and Vince appears there. He’s dressed for farm work, with a plain bright green t-shirt and regular jeans.

“How are you holding up?” He asks gently, walking over to me. Without asking, he sits on the edge of my bed beside me and I resist the urge to move away.

“Fine,” I tell him quietly, avoiding his eyes as I stare at Emery’s mattress.

“That’s good,” he says, oblivious to the fact that I’m one-hundred percent not fine. “I wanted to know if you want to go into town to see a movie with me.” I see him smiling out of the corner of my eye. Emery never took me out to the movies or anywhere for a date. However Mary’s warning words float back into my mind, along with Emery’s and the whole apparently obvious reason I should be with him.

“Thanks,” I softly mumble, “But I think I just want to stay in today.”

“Okay.” He rises to his feet and squeezes my shoulder before heading to the door.

“Vince?” I call as he’s almost gone. He turns around and smiles sadly at me. “Can I ask you something and will you answer honestly?”

Shrugging, Vince leans against the door frame. “Sure, River.”

“Did you…” I trail off, almost not wanting to ask. “Did you see who put something in Emery’s drink?”

Something quickly flickers through Vince’s eyes. However before I can place it, it’s gone as fast as it came. Vince folds his arms across his chest and looks down at me, almost as if I’m unimportant to him.

“No, I didn’t,” he tells me flatly, without any emotion crossing his poker face.

“Are you sure?” I whisper, wondering if he knows something that I don’t.

“I said I didn’t,” he snaps, shoving his hands into his pockets. When he sees my startled face, he sighs. “I’m sorry,” he mumbles. “I’m just blaming myself for this happening.”

“Vince,” I sigh, as he walks over and sits beside me again. He rests his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands. “It’s not your fault.” As much as I don’t want to, I drape my arm around his shoulders and rub his arm in attempt to comfort him.

“I just wish there was something I could have done, or that I should have stayed with him,” he mumbles.

“Don’t beat yourself up,” I tell him, knowing somewhat how he’s feeling. “It’s not your fault in any way.”

He rises from his hands and meets my eyes. “You’re just saying that.” I shake my head and he smiles sadly at me. “You’re the best, River,” he murmurs, leaning close to my face. I don’t move away as I realize when I realize he’s about to kiss me. But before he can, the phone rings.

Jumping to my feet, I sprint out of my room and down the stairs. When I get there, my dad’s already talking on the phone. When he puts it down, he smiles at me and wraps me in an embrace.

“Emery woke up.”

Two Hours Later:

My parents call for me as I run down the hospital hallway, looking for Emery’s room excitedly. Vince chose not to come for some reason; however I don’t think Emery would appreciate if he came anyways. My heart skips a beat as the number on the hospital room matches the one a nurse gave me for directions.

I run into the room and don’t even have time to look at Emery as I wrap my arms around him. I breathe in the stale smell of cigarettes and sigh happily.

“I’m so happy you’re okay!” I tell him, rushing my words as if the world is ending. “I’m so sorry for not being there sooner and I’m just so happy you’re okay! I thought I lost you! Gosh, Emery, I just love you so much and-“ I suddenly as I pull away, taking in Emery’s appearance. He looks exactly the same except for his eyes. They stare at me in wonder. “Emery, what’s wrong?”

“There’s something you should know,” a nurse tells my parents, walking into the room. Emery and I stare at each other intently and I instantly know there’s something different about him. “He’s suffered some memory loss.”

I squeeze Emery’s hand tightly but he doesn’t do the same back. Instead he wiggles his hand out of mine and looks up at me curiously.

“Who are you?”

Farm Girl Loves Bad Boy (#2)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu