Chapter 2- Night of Aura

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 I sit up abruptly in bed like I do every night, prepared to transform into my new body. Even though I've done this every night since I was born, I still wake up with beads of sweat rolling down my face. I step over to my window, opening it up to stare at the night sky. The moon was pale and seemed to be smiling at me like the Cheshire cat, beaming its glowing smile. I hop up onto the window sill, perched and ready for what was to come. As I looked at the stars in front of me I let myself fall.

 It seemed like everything was in slow motion, seconds seemed like minutes and breaths seemed like hours as my body dissolved in midair, turning into something only fairytale authors can imagine. At the last moment before I was going to hit the ground my aura body lifts me up into the sky letting me fly as easily as walking. My new form was in the shape of my human looking body but was the color of a majestically deep purple. I basically looked like a willow the wisp. My hair floated like I was underwater and I didn't feel any weight in my body, I felt like a feather. Pretty much, I was a floating purple blob of beauty.

 I glance back at the open window, creaking in the wind, before I flee out into the night. Along the way I see the city lights flashing below me. I wonder what it's like to live in the rich part of the city instead of the cheap apartments I sleep in till midnight. At midnight is when the change occurs to me and that's when I leave my room behind and escape into my own world. I wish I was always like this and never had to face the trio and that the hexers didn't have to hide their talents from the government.

 Every hexer that has and will ever live knows to not tell the secret to anyone, not even their best friend or even when their older, their spouse. It's a hard secret to hide away during the day knowing that if you told everyone that people might actually want to hang out with you. But if the secret ever got out and the government heard we would be abducted from our homes and experimented on.

 I fly for hours and hours just trying to feel free. I know that soon the daylight will come and I will have to be back in bed, ready to return to school. But for now I just listen to the sound of the city and the wind roaring in my ears and try to forget. Before I return to my window ledge I spot a lake and decide to fly down for a closer look. When I reach the waters edge I look at my reflection and watch my hair float around my head in a mesmerizing way. I then use a hex and make little water fairies appear and dance across the surface, causing ripples to emerge. I sit down with my knees pulled up to my chest and watch the fairies leap and twirl like ballerinas. Finally, they slowly fall down, plopping droplets onto my face as my spell diminishes. 

 At some point I stand up and walk across the water causing my own ripples to emerge. I wish I could stay in this moment forever, I think to myself. I then ascend up into the sky and fly past the city back to my window sill leaving the lake far behind me. Just as the morning rays begin to shine my body starts to reverse its transformation, leaving me back in my old boring state. My hair doesn't float, it lies plainly on my shoulder. I am not beautiful anymore, I am now just plain. The only thing I inherit from last night is my abilities of magic and wish for an eternal night of aura.

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