How are babies made?

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-While Showering Kayla-

Kay- Daddy?

Roc- Yes?

Kay- Will you and mommy be together? So we could be like a family?

Roc- Um.... I don't think so Kayla. I have a girlfriend and your mom and I don't get along really well

Kay-But won't I get another brother or sister?

Roc- *mumbles* Not from me! I'm not sure Kayla

Kay- Oh

-3 Minutes later-


Roc- What?

Kay- How are babies made?

Roc- *coughs* Um.....well men and woman are like puzzles! When a man puts his... I mean when they put there peices together it makes friction. Which causes the woman to get mhm wet *coughs* and when there peices rub together it causes friction. And after a while a boy releases a type of liquid inside the girls causing the girl to get pregnant.

Kay- *confused Face* Is There A Simpler explanation?

Roc- Daddy puts his D *gco*

-Phone Rings-

Roc- *Answers* Hello? Oh Hey! Right Now? 20 minutes?! No, no that's that's fine but. Hello? Hello? *Hangs up*

Kay- Who was that? *Gets outta the tub*

Roc- None off your business! Go get changed or something and don't come outta the room! *Walks out*

Roc- Don't leave this room! *Locks door*

Kay- Mhm! I'm not staying here!

-Door Bell Rings-


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Edited On : October 9, 2016

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