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"He's cute, but he's not gay." People say. That what they all say about the popular guy in Layton High School; Calvin Vail.

Calvin Vail is a junior with terrible grades, but great looks to the girls. He rather party every night or be lazy than go to the library and study for anything.

Yes, Calvin is one of the "cliché" bad boy in this story. There always the cliché movie/TV/Book bad boy in these kind of stories. But, you, the reader, is a shy, regular guy that has regular based grades like a regular teenager will.

You are a 15 year old guy that is new to Layton High. Your mom and dad are homophobic, and try not to make you or your little brother gay or any other sexuality than straight. You want to start a journey at your new school and see what's new. Well, Calvin will help you with that...

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