What's Wrong?

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The next day at school Yuya and Yuto met up in the cafeteria to decide weather or not to tell anyone about their relationship

"Yuto do you have any ideas?" Yuya was a little nervous about anyone finding out

"Well.. Yuya we can't hide it forever so I think we should just tell Yuzu and Shun for now... Gongenzaka and Sawatari will find out later..."

Yuya nodded in agreement "I'll go tell Yuzu.. meet back here?" Yuto nodded and they headed off in their separate directions

•~Yuya POV~•

"Y-Yuzu? I have something I want to speak to you about and no one else can know"

Yuzu nodded "What is it Yuya?"

Yuya blushed a deep shade of red before opening his mouth "W-well um... Yuto and I are a couple..."

Yuzu's eyes sparkled as she held back a loud scream of joy "Yuya Oh my God! When did this happen?"

Yuya smiled knowing that Yuzu was okay with it "Well it sorta happened when Yuto got his body although I guess he forgot about it at first.. but it was official last night!"

Yuzu blushed "You two didn't have sex did you~?"

Yuya blushed a shade of red deeper than his hair before walking off in the direction of the cafeteria

"I knew it!" Yuzu snickered before walking in a different direction

•~Yuto POV~•

Yuto smiled at Shun "Shun, Yuya and I are together now!"

Shun smiled at Yuto "Congrats Yuto... You finally got the one you wanted"

Yuto blushed "Y-yeah I did didn't I? Hehe~"

Shun snickered "So have you two kissed or something yet?"

Yuto blushed deeper nodding before walking back to the cafeteria

•~A Few Minutes Later~•

Yuto and Yuya met back up in the cafeteria "So how did Shun take it?"

Yuto smiled "He's happy for us~ how did Yuzu take it?"

Yuya blushed "she was really excited"

Yuto looked around "Yuya... I love you..."

Yuya smiled "I love you too Yuto"

•~After School~•

Shun and Yuto decided to walk home together leaving Yuya to walk back to the house by himself

"I guess I'll be okay.. he's just going to Shuns for a bit to tell Ruri then he's coming right back home..." Yuya smiled at the ground putting a hand on his chest

"Hey you.. you're Yuya right?" A voice came from the dark alley next to him "Y-yeah... who's asking?" Yuya took a step into the alleyway

"Come here kid we got something for you..." Yuya was a very trusting person so he slowly stepped towards the voice thinking about Yuto

"W-Who's there?" A shadowy figure came out of the shadows "You're ours now~"

•~Hours Later~•

Yuya woke up strapped to a wooden table "W-Where am I?" The same shadowy figure from before was standing behind him "Welcome to our chamber... this is where you'll stay for the next hour..."

Yuya grew more and more worried after he felt something enter his mouth and strap around his head "M-M!" Yuya couldn't do anything other than mumble

Yuya saw a man walk out from the shadows "Now we get to have fun with you~"

•~Three Hours Later~•

Yuya was thrown infront of his house naked his clothes thrown on top of him "Y-Yuto... where are you..."

Yuto ran outside as he heard the van that dropped Yuya off speed away from the house "Yuya!? Yuya are you okay!?"

Yuto ran over to Yuya and picked him up "Yuya!? Where were you!? What happened!? Yuya awnser me!?"

Yuya was bruised up and had cuts on his back and leg's

Yuto brought him inside trying his best to avoid Yuya's mother "Yuya... I love you... please don't be hurt..." Yuto dropped Yuya on his bed and pulled the covers over him "please be okay..." Yuto layed down next to him and closed his eyes listening to Yuya's breathing

•~The Next Day~•

Yuya woke up and saw Yuto asleep next to him "Yuto?..."

Yuto opened his eyes slowly "Yuya!" Yuto teared up and hugged him tightly "Thank God you're okay!"

Yuya gently hugged Yuto back "what's wrong? Did something happen to me?"

Yuya didn't remember anything that happened the day before "Yuya... don't ever scare me like that again..."

Yuya blinked trying to figure out what was going on "I-I won't Yuto trust me.."

Yuya blushed as Yuto kissed him deeply "M-Mph!" Yuya mumbled as he saw tears running down Yuto's face

Yuto pulled away from Yuya "Do you remember anything from yesterday Yuya?"

Yuya shook his head in response "I don't remember anything Yuto"

Yuto felt better after hearing that but also more scared "I love you Yuya... I love you so much... I was worried sick when you didn't come home on time.."

Yuya blushed deeply "Yuto you know what those words do to me! But.. I love you too..."

•~To Be Continued~•

My One and Only (Yuya x Yuto Lemon)Where stories live. Discover now