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(Maya's outfit up above)

We walk in to the kitchen, to see my mom with two plates with a stack of blueberry pancakes on each, drizzled with maple syrup.

She puts the plates on the table, and smiles "I know that today is special, so I made your favorite, blueberry pancakes"

"Thanks mom" I say as I take a really big bite of pancake.

My dad walks in with a wide grin on his face.

Maya takes one look my dad,"oh no what did you do?"

My dad's grin gets larger.

"What did you do?" I asked my dad

"I might've, gotten a job at your school as a history teacher."

"Again! Come on!, Just kidding Mathews, you know I love ya'"Maya said

Maya looks at me, then I smile, she covers her ears with her hands.


My dad takes a look at his watch and smiles"I think you guys need to go to catch the subway,"

I smile, and Maya covers her ears again "YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!

I get up and put on my jacket,

"Thanks mom, for the pancakes, love you guys" I said

"Thanks tompanga, bye guys you to Augie, " Maya says as Augie walks into the kitchen while dragging his blanket across the room.

"Bye" my dad says (I'm just going to say Cory)

Me and Maya run out of the room and slam the door behind us.

//Time skip///

We meet farkle, smackle, zay and Lucas at the subway.

We meet farkle, smackle, zay and Lucas at the subway

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(Smackle outfit)

Maya gives everyone a hug, Maya and Lucas' hug lasted for about five minutes, but I pretended not to notice. Hey they didn't see each other for a while so I guess that it was probably just a long time friend hug? But it's not like i was jealous or anything, it's just you know my boyfriend.

I give farkle, and smackle a hug, and zay was too busy flirting with this pretty girl sitting over on the side on the front entrance.

Me ,farkle and smackle start talking about school and our a summers.

"............ So we jumped out of the plain and we landed in a lake." Smackle said

But I guess farkle noticed that I kept looking over at Maya and Lucas.

"It's just because they haven't seen each other all summer, just give them a minute to catch up." Farkle said

Smackle looked at me, "I love your shoes " she said trying to get off the topic.

But of course I couldn't stand the fact that Maya was hugging my boyfriend for that long. "I don't mean to seem rushy and all, but hey have Ben hugging for like here minutes straight now, and I need to say hi to my boyfriend because I haven't seen him all summer either." I said starting to get all unpaitent.

"Come down, they are really close, and I guess that's the only way they can catch up" farkle said

"I guess" I said

"I mean if Maya did that to you I would probably act the same too" smackle said

" But Maya wouldn't even do that to me" said farkle " half the time she tries to avoid me"

Smackle and farkle started to argue,

I took another look at Maya and Lucas, and she was talking to him. I wonder what they are talking about.

I decided to walk over to them, but before I could, the subway bus had pulled in, and I had to walk in to get a good seat. I choice one with a seat next to me so that Lucas could sit next to me, and Maya could sit on the other side of me. But Maya took Lucas to sit over next to her over on the opposite side of the bus.

So farkle and smackle sat next to me.

Just okay // a Rucas fanfic //gmw  Where stories live. Discover now