Jearmin (Jean x Armin)

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Me: I don't really mind this ship. It's.... eh.

Eren: I don't think Armin would like a horseface like Jean.


Mikasa: No comment.

Armin: W-wha?!?! I don't think of Jean that way!! H-he's just my friend! 0///0

Jean: What the hell is this?! Why would anyone ship me and Armin?

Marco: B-but I love Jean!

Bertholdt: I never knew this was a ship...

Reiner: Looks like Armin finally found himself a lover.

Ymir: Psh, I honestly don't care about any of these ships. I just wanna see Ymir x Krista.

Krista: I have never really thought of them being a couple... I just think they're really good friends!

Hanji: To be honest, I could see this happening. But that doesn't necessarily mean I ship it.

Levi: Tch, whatever.

Erwin: I can not see this becoming canon. I apologize to those of you who ship this.

Connie: Oh.... um.... okay.

Sasha: Now thinking about it, they would be a cute couple.

Annie: Why am I here? This is just wasting time.

Me: Alright. It seems that everyone has mixed thoughts. So that comes to the conclusion that Jearmin is 'okay'. Onto the next ship!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2016 ⏰

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